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1. Soluções em Caixa I bloco de texto

As embalagens de papelão ondulado Klabin são fornecidas para todos os segmentos de negócios, conforme as especificações do cliente, e atendem às mais elevadas exigências de qualidade. Entre outras características, nossas embalagens de papelão ondulado são resistentes à diversas condições de armazenamento e transporte, como ambientes úmidos e com baixa temperatura, garantindo a integridade da mercadoria até o destino final. 

2. Soluções em caixa - nossos produtos | bloco de texto

nossos produtos

Para cada segmento de mercado, a Klabin apresenta as melhores soluções.

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Um erro ocorreu enquanto processava o modelo.
Java method "com.sun.proxy.$Proxy141.getFileEntry(long)" threw an exception when invoked on com.sun.proxy.$Proxy141 object "com.liferay.document.library.opener.onedrive.web.internal.service.DLOpenerOneDriveDLAppServiceWrapper@2576175c"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: fileEntry = dlAppService.getFileEntry...  [in template "34847455847212#47755#557550" at line 164, column 34]
2    Web Content Template 
3    Name:   [pt] Negócios e produtos | Nossos produtos 
4            [en] Business and products | Our products 
5    Path: /assets/negocios-e-produtos/embalagens/nossos-produtos/nossos-produtos.ftl 
8<#assign dlAppService=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppService")> 
9<#assign dlUtil=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.util.DLUtil")> 
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131<#if entries?has_content> 
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137                <#assign /> 
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141                    title=xPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue()?trim /> 
142                <#assign xPathSelector=saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='subtitle']/dynamic-content[@language-id='${locale}']") 
143                    subtitle=xPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue()?trim /> 
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145                    seemore=xPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue()?trim /> 
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147                    galleryButton=xPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue()?trim /> 
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149                    image=xPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue()?trim /> 
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158                    redirectLink=xPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue()?trim /> 
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165                            urlImage=themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + "/documents/" + fileEntry.groupId + "/" + 
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169                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6"> 
170                        <div class="kol__product"> 
171                            <div class="kol__product_header"> 
172                                <h1>${title}</h1> 
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175                            <div class="kol__product_content"> 
176                                <img src="${urlImage}" /> 
177                                <div class="ml-4 kol__max-width-card"> 
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206                        </div> 
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213                                        ${title} 
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216                                        <a onclick="closeModal(event)"> 
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233                                            <#if fileJson?size gt 1> 
234                                                <#list fileJson as f> 
235                                                    <#attempt> 
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237                                                        <#assign fileEntryId=getterUtil.getInteger(fileObject.get('fileEntryId')) /> 
238                                                        <#assign fileEntry=dlAppService.getFileEntry(fileEntryId) /> 
239                                                        <#assign urlImagem=themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + "/documents/" + fileEntry.groupId + "/" + fileEntry.uuid + "?t=" + .now?string["HHmmssSSS"]?string /> 
240                                                        <div class="kol-media-lightbox__item"> 
241                                                            <p> ${fileObject.alt}</p> 
242                                                            <div class="kol-media-lightbox__media"> 
243                                                                <img src="${urlImagem}" alt="${fileObject.alt}" /> 
244                                                            </div> 
245                                                        </div> 
246                                                        <#recover> 
247                                                        </#recover> 
248                                                </#list> 
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252                            </div> 
253                        </div> 
254                    </div> 
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274    </div> 
276    <script> 
277        function closeModal(event) { 
278  ".kol-media-lightbox").classList.toggle('d-block'); 
280    </script> 

5. soluções em sacos - veja mais | bloco de texto

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6. soluções em sacos | Carrossel de imagens

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