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Asset Publisher

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Nossos Produtos




28 MAR
press release

Klabin encerra Expo Telêmaco 2025 com mais de duas toneladas de materiais recicláveis arrecadados 

27 MAR
press release

Klabin inaugurates in Piracicaba the largest and most modern corrugated board mill in the Americas

19 MAR
press release

Otacílio Costa hosts Animal Adoption Fair

18 MAR
press release

Klabin conducts a recycling initiative and features an interactive booth at the VI Expo Telêmaco 2025

26 FEB
press release

Klabin achieves net revenue of R$20 billion and adjusted EBITDA of R$7.3 billion in 2024

24 FEB
press release

Klabin wins two trophies at the 32nd EMBANEWS Awards

17 FEB
press release

Lowland paca cub was born after an animal exchange between Klabin Ecological Park and Bela Vista Biological Sanctuary, of Itaipu Binacional

13 FEB
press release

Klabin has open trainee positions in Otacílio Costa and Correia Pinto

10 FEB
press release

Programa de Aprendizagem da Klabin está com vagas abertas no Paraná