Sobre o Puma I
Designed to double Klabin's production capacity in three years, the Puma Unit, the result of the Puma I Project, had a total investment of R$ 8.5 billion for the construction of the factory, inaugurated in 2016 and established as the largest private enterprise from Paraná until then.

Self-sufficient production of 270 mw of energy, 120 mw of which used by Klabin and 150 mw available in the Brazilian electrical system (enough to supply 500,000 inhabitants)

200 hectares of total built area, which is equivalent to 200 football fields

100 km is the average distance between the factory and the forest

Thousands of hectares of planted forests will supply the new factory

700 million taxes were generated in the investment phase

300 million taxes per year with the factory in operation

Um ramal ferroviário de 23,5 km de extensão conecta a Unidade Puma à ferrovia Central do Paraná, passando pelos municípios de Ponta Grossa e Curitiba. A estrutura logística também compreende uma nova rodovia para ligar as áreas de reflorestamento da empresa e a Unidade Monte Alegre, em Telêmaco Borba, à Unidade Puma.