0. Gestão de Clima - Apresentação | bloco de texto

Climate change management is part of the Klabin business strategy and is one of the priority themes of the Klabin 2030 Agenda, through our KSDG – Klabin Objectives for Sustainable Development. We took the lead in discussions on the topic and we are the first Brazilian company to commit to targets for the reduction and neutralization of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, validated by science.   


This commitment is one of the items in our Sustainability Policy, which guides Company actions. We have Guidelines for Climate Change Management – Mitigation and Adaptation, which are supported by science to propose a development model that guarantees the future of the planet. Among the main drivers is the Business Ambition for 1.5°C, a UN global campaign, and the commitment to reduce and neutralize emissions by 2050. 

Guia de descarbonização - Destaque de conteúdo

Decarbonization Guide

Klabin continuously monitors and mitigates the impacts of operations and has a Decarbonization Guide, which compiles key information on our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The document compiles the main actions and presents in a simplified way how carbon management is being conducted by the Company.

Guia de descarbonização - Relatórios e Performance

Decarbonization Guide


2. Gestão de Clima - METAS DE REDUÇÃO DE CARBONO | bloco de texto


Among the Klabin Sustainable Development Goals (KSDG) is a commitment to developing science-based carbon reduction targets. Klabin was the first company in the pulp and paper industry in Latin America to have its targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an initiative that sets forth the methodologies to help companies design an emission reduction target in line with climate science and sustainable economic development.  


We invested in research and development of low carbon technologies that enabled us to reduce CO2 equivalent emissions by 60% per ton of product produced between 2003 and 2020. But we haven’t stopped there: we maintain ambitious carbon reduction targets, in line with the global challenge of limiting the average temperature increase to 1.5°C. 

3. Gestão de Clima - IMPACTO NETZERO | Destaque de conteúdo interno/externo


ImPacto NetZero (Net Zero Impact) is a call to action to mobilize companies and society in favor of a more sustainable planet. We call on companies to consider adopting targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions based on science, thus contributing to mitigate climate change. Be a part of this network. Be a part of ImPacto NetZero! Learn more at