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2. Florestal | Matéria-Prima bloco de texto

All wood used in Klabin's pulp and paper production process is certified and sourced from controlled sources, in pine and eucalyptus forests cultivated exclusively for this purpose. We were the first pulp and paper company in Latin America to ensure the origin of the raw material used in the manufacture of pulp, paper and packaging through the international Forest Stewardship Council® – FSC® certification. We have 356,000 hectares of productive pine and eucalyptus forests in Paraná, Santa Catarina and São Paulo.


Since then, the responsible management of Klabin forests, in addition to the various initiatives in environmental preservation and social responsibility, have been attested through our certifications.

CERTIFICAÇÃO FSC® - PR - First pulp and paper producer in the Southern Hemisphere to earn the FSCcertification. The certification was given to the forestry areas in Paraná.

1999 - CERTIFICAÇÃO MANEJO DE PLANTAS - We earned the first and only global certification for the Non-Wood Forest Products/Medicinal Plant Stewardship.

2001 - CERTIFICAÇÃO DA CADEIA DE CUSTÓDIA / COC - Chain of Custody certification for Non-Wood Forest Products. (Herbal medicine – World’s first project to be certified).

CERTIFICAÇÃO FSC® - SC - Forest areas in Santa Catarina are FSC certified.

CERTIFICAÇÃO FSC® - PR - We received the FSC certification for the chain of custody of virgin-fiber cardboard and paper production at the Monte Alegre Unit in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná.

2007 - CERTIFICAÇÃO PROCESSOS PRODUTIVOS - The manufacturing processes of recycled papers, industrial bags and corrugated board packaging receive certification.

CERTIFICAÇÃO FSC® - SP - Forestry areas in São Paulo are FSC certified.

CERTIFICAÇÃO FSC® - FSC certification for the chain of custody of softwood and hardwood production, as well as fluff pulp for the Puma Unit.

2017 - CERTIFICAÇÃO CERFLOR - We earned the Brazilian Forest Certification Program (Cerflor), an international recognition that certifies the sustainable forest management of the company‘s forests in the Monte Alegre Unit in Paraná.

2017 - CERTIFICAÇÃO CERFLOR - Cerflor certification for the chain of custody of softwood and hardwood pulp production, as well as fluff pulp for the Puma Unit.

12. Todas as florestas importam | bloco de texto

All forests matter

At Klabin, we value and respect all forests. We are pioneers in adopting forest management in the mosaic concept, favoring the preservation of fauna and flora and conserving water resources. For over 120 years, our heritage is life. Around here, we always encourage and encourage care for the environment, after all, we understand that all forests matter. 

11. Destaque Todas as Florestas Importam | Relatórios e Performance

See website


9. Plante com a Klabin | Destaque para conteúdo externo e interno


Plante with Klabin is our partnership program aimed at small, medium and large rural producers. An option for owners to generate income, complement their productive portfolio and create jobs, contributing to regional development. Know more PLANT WITH KLABIN