Logística | Bloco de texto

Transporting Klabin’s large production volumes - within Brazil or for exports - depends on meticulous planning and smart and well-structured logistics. The Company has a logistics network that uses road, rail and maritime transport to keep the setup functioning perfectly. The process is fully integrated and ensures agile and secure transportation of wood, pulp, paper and packaging.

Terminal Portuário Klabin – PAR01 | Bloco de texto


The Port Terminal, located on the Port of Paranaguá quay, was built to support export logistics, given the increase in the Puma Unit’s pulp and paper production, and other products that Klabin transports as break bulk cargo. The new structure, spanning over 27,000 m2, has the capacity to handle around 1.2 million tons a year.

Ganhos ambientais | galeria Duplicate 0

Ganhos ambientais | bloco de texto


Ganhos ambientais | Lista - Bullets

The roof of the building is covered by solar panels to generate photovoltaic solar energy. This sustainable alternative produces energy that is used to power the Port Terminal.
Paper and pulp is transported exclusively by railroad from Ortigueira in Paraná to the Port Terminal. Thanks to a robust railway line, Klabin reduces traffic on highways, increases operating efficiency and reduces CO2 emissions by trucks.
The rain that falls on a quarter of the terminal's roof is collected by pipes and stored in a reservoir with capacity for 20,000 liters of water, which is treated and then reused for basic services at the Port Terminal, such as cleaning, hygiene and irrigation of the facilities.

Ganhos ambientais | galeria

The roof of the building is coated with solar panels to generate photovoltaic solar energy. The sustainable alternative produces energy that is used for the operation of the Port Terminal.

The rain that falls on a quarter of the terminal's roof is captured by pipes and stored in a reservoir with a capacity of 20,000 liters of water. After being treated, it is reused for basic services at the Port Terminal, such as cleaning, hygiene and irrigation of the facilities.

The transport of paper and cellulose is exclusively done by rail, from Ortigueira, in Paraná, to the Port Terminal. With a strong railway line, Klabin reduces traffic on the highways and increases operational efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions from trucks.

Modais de Transporte | bloco de texto


Asset Publisher


Road transport is the bulwark of Klabin’s logistics processes, taking products from the north to south of Brazil. Excluding the shipments at ports, approximately 18,000 road trips are made every month and around 7,000 drivers pass through Klabin’s units every year, where our priority always is customer service backed by operational efficiency and security.


A 23.5-km branch line connects the Puma Unit in Paraná to the Central do Paraná railroad station, from which a 441-km line runs to the Pulp and Paper Logistics Terminal in Paranaguá, also in Paraná. Approximately 850,000 tons of pulp pass through this route every year.


Klabin ships around 1.4 million tons of products in large ships to distribute its products to international partners quickly and economically. We use two modes of maritime transport: containers, which account for around 45% of our exports, and break bulk. Klabin is one of Brazil’s largest exporters of dry cargo containers and a major exporter of break bulk pulp.

Mapa de exportação | bloco de texto


Besides serving the Brazilian market, where it is the market leader in its segments, Klabin exports to around 80 countries. Our products are marketed primarily to the following sectors: processed, frozen and fresh food (milk, refrigerated meats, vegetables and fruits, etc.), health and personal hygiene (toilet paper, tissues, diapers, toothpaste, etc.), hygiene and cleaning (e.g. washing powder and soap), beverages (soft drinks, beer, yogurt, etc.), construction and home appliances.

Destaques | bloco de texto


Destaques | Numeros Klabin

1.4 million tons exported through maritime mode
Exports reach 80 countries
Brazil’s largest exporter of paper for packaging and paper packaging
Brazil’s second largest exporter of products through containers
23.5-km rail branch line
Exclusive port terminal at the Port of Paranaguá

Terminal de Contêineres da Klabin - KBT | bloco de texto


Klabin Container Terminal, located adjacent to the Puma Unit in Paraná, centralizes the shipment of pulp and paper produced by the Company at the Monte Alegre and Puma units in containers to the Port of Paranaguá. The Terminal is Brazil’s largest private yard pertaining to a single client outside the port zone, with storage capacity for 2,500 containers simultaneously, three internal railroad lines totaling 3.5 km in length and an automatized technological structure, including four electric gantries to transport containers.

Terminal de Contêineres da Klabin - KBT | Carrossel de imagens

KM SUSTENTÁVEL | bloco de texto




The program encourages drivers who transport Klabin’s products to drive safely and maintain safety on highways. The Sustainable KM, a pioneering project in the packaging, paper and pulp industry, plays an important role in strengthening accident prevention measures for outsourced drivers. Based on this vision, an initiative was launched to reward drivers who transport Klabin’s products and respect the safety rules.

Tabela de serviços – Armazém Alfandegado | bloco de texto


The Paranaguá Port Terminal pertains to Klabin Paranaguá SPE S.A., which was built solely for operating the leased areas of the Paranaguá Organized Port, called PAR01, to perform cargo loading and unloading activities, especially paper and pulp, in accordance with Lease Agreement 2 of 2020 signed on May 6, 2020 with the Ministry of Infrastructure, in which the National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ) was the Intervening Party.


The lease agreement entails the construction of a warehouse within a 27,530-m2 plot located at the port’s primary zone, which will meet the increase in pulp and paper export volumes estimated by Klabin S.A. at the units in the region. It has a static pulp storage capacity of 60,000 tons.


The initiative verticalizes the operation and will enable the Company to transport its exports directly from the Klabin S.A. units to the maritime terminal entirely by railroad, thereby achieving world-class productivity rates and ensuring a high level of competitiveness.

Tabela de serviços – Armazém Alfandegado | Lista de arquivos

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