1. Operação Sustentável - BIOECONOMIA | bloco de texto


We believe in the bioeconomy, which is an economy focused on using resources and new technologies to create more sustainable products and services.  Therefore, we want to promote this system, aiming at the development and use of products with a lower environmental impact, which are part of the closed circuit of the production chain. 


2. Operação Sustentável - ECONOMIA CIRCULAR | bloco de texto


The Circular Economy is sustainable development. It is our way of thinking about the future, where everything that is extracted from nature is reintegrated into the ecosystem without generating liabilities. 


As manufacturers of renewable, more sustainable products, we advocate for the replacement of fossil-based packaging with biodegradable and recyclable alternatives, made from pulp fibers and wood. Our products are developed in a customized and personalized way, meeting the needs of each customer, with high technology and complexity.  Whether using virgin or recycled fibers in product composition, we promote the rational and maximized use of natural resources. 


Our renewable, recyclable and biodegradable materials offer customers the best and most sustainable options for conscious consumption with a lower impact. Klabin bioproducts are key to the development of a low-carbon circular economy, in which society's ever-changing demands are met while meeting the expectations of the most conscientious consumers.  


100% of our fibers come from planted and sustainable forests.  Our forestry management ensures the integrity of the ecosystem and the regeneration of renewable resources, in addition to protecting biodiversity and helping to fight global warming by sequestrating carbon from the atmosphere. We are a carbon positive company, that is, we capture more CO2 from the atmosphere than our operations emit.   


At the end of their life cycle, the Klabin biologically-based products can be safely reintegrated into the ecosystem, without impacting the environment, restoring part of the energy, water and nutrients offered by soil in the pine and eucalyptus forest production.  



We plant an average of 90 trees per minute and preserve 356,000 hectares of productive forests – more than the total of the areas of the municipalities of São Paulo and Curitiba.



We retain 42% of the forest area to preserve and maintain biodiversity.



98.5% was the rate of reuse of industrial waste at Klabin in 2022, an increase of 0.4 percentage points compared to 2021.



All forestry operation under own management
of Klabin in Paraná and Santa Catarina
uses hydrosolidarity management, a strategy
based on the balance between forest production
and water production, integrating the different
input needs for production,
neighboring communities and processes
ecological. The Company works so that,
by 2024, its forests located in
São Paulo also operate under this strategy. 97.3% is the indicator of forest harvesting operations under own management with hydro-solidary management.



Klabin’s capacity to generate clean energy from steam generated by black liquor boilers and biomass enables it to be energy self-sufficient at the Puma Unit and to supply 729.784 MWh to Brazil’s power grid, helping to clean the country’s energy matrix.



All wastewater is treated at the Wastewater Treatment Plants before being discharged back into bodies of water. This treatment is monitored internally and by a contractor to ensure compliance with all legal requirements. Klabin’s units periodically are subjected to internal and external audits for evaluating the Management System, including the water and wastewater system.



The share of renewable fuels in our energy matrix is 92%, demonstrating that sustainability is one of the main pillars of Klabin business management.



We identified approximately 855 animal species and 1,968 plant species in our forests in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina. The intense work to preserve biodiversity, the use of environmentally correct practices in forestry management and the adequate management of landscape, provide Klabin with an excellent use of the production potential of forests and the protection of natural resources.



Klabin was one of the first Brazilian companies to have science-based decarbonization targets approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). On this front, the Company undertook to achieve a reduction in its GHG emissions under scopes 1 and 2 per ton of pulp, paper and packaging of 25% by 2025 and 49% by 2035, with 2019 as the baseline.

3. Operação Sustentável - OPERAÇÃO SUSTENTÁVEL NAS NOSSAS UNIDADES | bloco de texto


Environmental preservation and biodiversity are part of the Klabin DNA. We constantly invest in scientific research, in the preservation of native forests, natural resources and wild fauna, as well as in the control of environmental impacts and in the sustainable growth of communities neighboring our sites. 

Commitment to the preservation of natural resources

All of the Klabin operations consider the environmental management aspects part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their strategy, namely, water, energy, climate change and biodiversity. With this, we reinforce our commitment to preserve natural resources, seeking to reduce the use of non-renewable resources, environmental impact control and biodiversity preservation, by preserving fauna and flora in the forests where the company operates.  

Energy management that prioritizes a renewable matrix

The Puma Unit produces more energy than it consumes. With that, the company can make the surplus available in the National Integrated System, contributing towards revenue  generation, while also contributing towards a cleaner national energy matrix.   

Greenhouse gas emissions

Reducing atmospheric emissions is one of the items in the Klabin Sustainability Policy and is also set forth in SDG 13. With the increased use of fuels from renewable sources, the company contributes to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG).  

Climate change

Klabin follows the enforcement of the precautionary principle established at the Eco-92 Conference and constantly evaluates all aspects that pose a risk to the environment. Among the potential risks mapped are the average increase in temperature and rainfall rates; increase in extreme events such as windstorms and storms; reduction of frost and the appearance of new forest pests. In addition, we are the first Brazilian company to commit to targets to lower Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions based on science, in line with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). We were also the first company in the pulp and paper industry in Latin America to have our targets approved by the SBTi. In 2021, we created the framework for the Impacto NetZero movement, in partnership with the UN Global Compact Brazil Network, to engage companies and society in projects to reduce and neutralize carbon emissions by 2050. 

Focus on rational use and reuse of water

We manage our water resources rationally, reusing water whenever possible and treating 100% of our effluents. 

Waste Management

Waste management at Klabin may have four different destinations: recycling, Class 1 landfills, decontamination or use as fuel or incineration. All these measures are in line with the National Solid Waste Policy (Law 12.305/10), aimed at reducing the generation of this type of waste and the correct handling and disposal of materials.  

4. Operação Sustentável - EFICIÊNCIA OPERACIONAL | bloco de texto


Working with an integrated vision of its business, is part of the Klabin DNA, from the forest to production flow, always ensuring maximum operating efficiency. People, innovation and sustainability drive us to the performance we want.  When these four pillars are in synergy like the blades of a weather vane, we have achieved the operating efficiency we wish for.  Klabin is an integrated company, from forestry management, through the production of pulp and paper, to the manufacture of packaging paper and paper packaging that are present in the daily lives of people all over the world.