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Stay on top of klabin's external voluntary commitments. They reinforce the commitment of our action oriented towards sustainable development.


External voluntary commitments undertaken by Klabin: 

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -  A global development agenda comprising 17 goals and 169 targets established by the United Nations (UN) for governments, civil society and the private sector.

UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) - To reinforce its commitment to diversity and foster an inclusive workplace, in 2018, Klabin became a signatory to the seven Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs). The United Nations Initiative for Gender Equality (UN Women) helps companies to empower women in their organization, value chain and local communities..

Business Movement for Integrity and Transparency -  Created by the Ethos Institute, the movement works to define strategies and priorities for engaging business leaders in the integrity agenda, with a special focus on improving public-private relations and strengthening the prevention of and efforts to combat corruption in Brazil.

FGV Center for Sustainability Studies - With the mission of transforming sustainability challenges into opportunities to create value, we participated in the challenges of the Business Initiatives of the Center for Sustainability Studies of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGVces), which combine the agendas of the Businesses for Climate Platform (EPC), the Local Development and Large Businesses Initiative (IDLocal) as well as other agendas. Klabin's participation since 2009 focuses on coordinating actions on climate management with business leaders. Meanwhile, our participation in IDLocal since 2013 focuses on sharing experiences and formulating guidelines for local development..

Brazilian Pact to Eradicate Slave Labor - Brings together Brazilian and multinational companies that have undertaken a commitment not to do business with companies engaged in slave labor practices. In addition to economically restricting employers committing this crime, the pact works to promote dignified labor and the social integration of workers in situations of vulnerability and to combat enticement. Companies that are signatories to the initiative participate in the pact’s monitoring and undertake to make public the results of their efforts to eradicate slave labor..

Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption - According to the Ethos Institute, companies that are signatories to the pact undertake to disseminate Brazil's anticorruption legislation to their employees and stakeholders to support its enforcement. They also undertake to prohibit any form of bribery, ensure legal compliance and transparency in contributions to political parties and foster information transparency and collaboration in investigations whenever necessary..

Science Based Targets Initiative -  Initiative that establishes methodologies to help companies design goals for reducing emissions that are aligned with climate science and sustainable economic development. Klabin was Latin America’s first pulp and paper producer to have its goals approved by the SBTi.

Business Ambition for 1.5°C – Only Future - In 2019, we joined the UN global campaign Business Ambition for 1.5°C – OUR ONLY FUTURE, through which we undertook to reduce GHG emissions to help keep the increase in the average global temperature below 1.5°C.

Supporter of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) - The initiative provides recommendations to help markets address the financial impact from climate change and to increase transparency on the risks related to climate and the opportunities for promoting better informed financial decision-making.

Race to Zero - Klabin has been striving to combat climate change for years. With sustainability as a key pillar of its management, the company is aware of the topic's urgency and the importance of mobilizing everyone to ensure the future of our planet. In partnership with the UN Global Compact Network Brazil, Klabin invites companies and society to support the cause for reducing greenhouse gas emissions based on science.

LGBTI+ Companies and Rights Forum -  Klabin is a signatory to the LGBTI+ Companies and Rights Forum, which has drafted 10 commitments to ensure respect for and the promotion of LGBTI+ human rights inside companies. The forum has working groups divided by topic (leadership, health, communication and other) that meet periodically to discuss how to advance in each of the commitments.

UN GLOBAL COMPACT -  Initiative of the United Nations (UN) to engage companies and organizations in the adoption of 10 universal principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anticorruption Measures so that they can develop actions to face the challenges of society.

MOVEMENT FOR RACIAL EQUALITY (MOVER) - This initiative establishes 10 guidelines for signatories to advance on their journey of racial equality with a commitment to offer an inclusive environment with initiatives that create opportunities for black professionals through training, awareness and employability actions and by promoting social awareness.

BUSINESS PACT AGAINST SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS ON BRAZILIAN HIGHWAYS - Klabin is signatory to this Pact, which aims to end sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on highways, by joining the Na Mão Certa Program of Childhood Brazil and Ethos Institute in 2016. The Pact comprises six commitments that address topics such as the working conditions of truck drivers, awareness campaigns, support for projects and monitoring of practices.

SUSTAINABILITY ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (SASB) - SASB is a set of standards designed to help identify, manage and report sustainability-related issues of the organization, including environmental, social and governance issues that could impact its financial performance. It is mainly targeted at large companies and investors. In 2020, Klabin started to report the SASB indicators recommended for packaging, pulp and paper and forest sectors.

GHG PROTOCOL - Klabin has been involved in this program since 2013, whose goal is to encourage the corporate community to prepare and publish inventories of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by giving them access to world-class instruments and standards. Originally developed in the United States in 1998 by the World Resources Institute (WRI), the GHG Protocol is a tool used to understand, quantify and manage GHG emissions.

Mind in Focus Movement - The initiative invites Brazilian companies and organizations to act in benefit of its employees and society as a whole in combating the social stigma and prejudice related to mental health. The movement is a way to put the mental health agenda at the center of companies’ decisions, stimulate discussion on the topic, establish concrete and support actions for its workers and create a healthy workplace. The goal is to treat mental health not only as an emergency measure but also as a topic that always remains an integral part of the business strategy of companies, which represents an advance in SDG 3 (Health and Well-being).