Environment and biodiversity
At Klabin, we believe that sustainability is the continuous creation of value, which privileges the balance between the economic, social and environmental spheres. We are a unique forestry and responsible management company, committed to biodiversity. We work collaboratively with our customers and suppliers, always guided by innovation and constant improvement of our products and processes. We promote the engagement and development of our people and the communities where we operate, aiming at growing and sustainable results for the entire value chain, in an integrated manner.
Mosaic planting is the Klabin trademark. The system mixes vast areas of preserved native forests–equal to almost half of the company forest area–with pine and eucalyptus planted forests. This management helps protect natural resources, improves the production potential of forests and collaborates with the preservation of biodiversity through ecological corridors, which favor the flow of hundreds of species of wild animals in our forests.
All Klabin operations consider environmental management aspects in their strategies. Among them we can include, the preservation of natural resources, the control of environmental impacts and biodiversity monitoring. We pay special attention to protecting the springs and waterways located in the surroundings areas of our operations.

Klabin is committed to reducing and neutralizing company carbon emissions by 2050, with targets based on climate science (The Science Based Targets initiative). The only Brazilian company to take part in the COP26 Business Leaders, and also a partner of the UN to contain the increase of the planet temperature. Klabin is also leading ImPacto NetZero, a movement with a call to action to companies and society to participate with their carbon reduction targets. Learn more at
The Klabin eucalyptus forest productivity is 54 m³/ha/year, while the Brazilian average is 35 m3/ha/year. Our pine forests have an average productivity of 39 m³/ha/year, higher than the Brazilian average, which is 31 m3/ha/year. The combination of favorable natural conditions, such as rainfall and the temperature in the areas where we operate, in addition to responsible forestry management and productivity enhancement research, are other factors that help explain the high productivity of Klabin forests.
Klabin has Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs) in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, totaling almost 9,000 hectares dedicated exclusively to scientific studies, environmental protection and preservation of water resources. The maintenance of these areas contribute to maintaining and preserving biodiversity in the Atlantic Coastal Rainforest biome.
Monte Alegre RPPN (PR)
Located on Fazenda Monte Alegre, in Telêmaco Borba (PR), the RPPN occupies an area of almost four thousand hectares, being the third largest in the state. It is currently a space for the conservation of biodiversity, being an important responsible for the ecological corridors for flora fauna, protection of natural resources and associated ecosystem services such as water and climate regulation.

Klabin Ecological Park
Klabin maintains an Ecological Park on the Monte Alegre Farm, in Telêmaco Borba (state of Paraná), with activities aimed at preserving biodiversity, rehabilitating wild animals, preserving endangered species, developing scientific research and supporting environmental education projects. The park serves as shelter for animals at risk and that are unable to return to the wild. Created in the 80s, the Ecological Park covers an area of 9,852 hectares, formed almost entirely by natural forests, and has approximately 180 animals from 50 species.
Klabin Ecological Park
The park is a High Conservation Value Area (HCVA), meaning it has significant levels of valuable biodiversity and rare ecosystems that are threatened or endangered of extinction. Learn more about the Klabin Ecological Park. Learn moreBIODIVERSITY ON INSTAGRAM
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