Memory center
A path of more than 120 years brings together a unique collection of documents and memories, organized and curated for over 30 years by the Klabin Memory Center.
Unidade Jundiaí Tijuco Preto - SP
Em caso de dúvidas e solicitações, entrar em contato com o Centro de Memória Klabin pelo e-mail:
conheça nosso livro
Conheça mais da nossa história no livro A Saga da família Klabin Lafer. Baixe o e-book e leia em seu smartphone, tablet, e-reader ou computador. Boa leitura!

No, the collection of the Klabin Memory Center is intended exclusively for cultural and educational purposes.
Yes, as long as you reference the material correctly.
The documents or photos of the Klabin Memory Center should be published with the following references: For photos: Klabin Collection/Photographer's Name (if informed) For documentary sources: Klabin Document and Memory Center
Yes. Our information is the result of research by historians in primary and secondary sources. If you have any suggestions of corrections or changes, please contact us using the form on the side.
The Klabin Memory Center is located at the Jundiaí Tijuco Preto Unit, in the city of Jundiaí (state of São Paulo). To consult the visit schedule, send us a message using the form on the side.