TEXTO - O maior investimento da história da Klabin | bloco de texto

The puma is the feline most widely distributed across the western hemisphere. Similar to the animal that inspired its name, the Puma II Project is characterized by its sheer grandeur, representing the largest investment ever made by Klabin. The industrial complex located in Ortigueira, Paraná will undergo two phases of expansion by 2023, which include the construction of two innovative paper machines. 


The project makes Klabin the world’s first company to produce Eukaliner paper, whose patent it already holds. Along with Eukaliner White, the papers require less energy to make and deliver results up to 20% superior than those of existing products. 

ETAPAS DO PROJETO | bloco de texto


PHASE I - The future arrived first at Klabin 

The first phase of the Puma II Project was completed with the startup of Paper Machine 27 (MP27), which will produce the world's first kraftliner paper made 100% with eucalyptus fiber. Eukaliner® is an innovative product made from renewable sources that delivers superior performance even at lower grammage, offering resistant and sustainable packaging paper with excellent printing quality and that optimizes resources across the production chain. With Machine 27 in operation, we will offer the market 450kta of Eukaliner®, underscoring the Company's integrated, diversified and flexible business model.
To learn more about Eukaliner click here.

PHASE II - Growth cycle 

Our growth cycle continues with the second phase of the Puma II Project, which involves construction of Paper Machine 28 (MP28), a modern and sophisticated paperboard machine that will increase our production and ensure we meet the growing market demand for packaging papers. Scheduled for delivery in 2023, MP28 will have production capacity of 460kta and consolidate Klabin’s position as a global producer of paperboard for liquid foods (milks and juices) and processed products, while continuing to advance its continuous growth and expansion plans. 

Caminhos do Puma

Caminhos do Puma

The grandeur of the Puma II Project, built in Ortigueira, goes beyond the physical limits of its industrial unit and the pulp and paper sector. He contributed to the Brazilian economy, forest management, scientific research, innovation, logistics, regional infrastructure and people's quality of life. Know here the path that runs the new leap of the Puma.

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Fatos e Números | bloco de texto


Fatos e Números | Numeros Klabin

R$12.9 billion in investments
1st paper machine with production capacity of 450kta. Delivery: 2021
2nd paper machine with production capacity of 460kta. Delivery: 2023

Empregos gerados | bloco de texto


Empregos gerados | Numeros Klabin

1.5k direct and indirect jobs after startup of both phases
21.3k during project’s initial phase
4.5k workers estimated at peak of phase II



The Puma II Project is an important milestone in Klabin's expansion cycle and attests to its capacity for sustainable growth allied with technology. Explore a few sustainability highlights of the project, which received huge investments in research, innovation and technology in all phases. 

Primeira planta de gaseificação de biomassa do setor de celulose e papel Autossuficiência em geração de energia Transformação de energia térmica em elétrica

First biomass gasification plant in the pulp and paper sector Self-sufficiency in power generation Transformation of thermal energy into electricity

Primera planta de gasificación de biomasa del sector de celulosa y papel Autosuficiencia en generación de energía Transformación de energía térmica en eléctrica

Aproveitamento de 98% dos resíduos gerados na operação Geração de subprodutos, como adubo, corretivo de solo e pavers e manilhas para construção civil

98% of the waste generated in the operation reused Generation of byproducts, such as fertilizers, soil correctors and pavers and pipes for construction

Reutilización del 98% de los residuos generados en la operación Generación de subproductos, como fertilizante, correctivo de suelo y pavers y grilletes para construcción civil

Tratamento terciário garante um efluente ainda mais limpo devolvido ao rio Padrão de qualidade da água superior ao exigido pelos órgãos ambientais

Tertiary treatment ensures cleaner water returned to the river Higher standard of water quality than required by environmental agencies

Tratamiento terciario garantiza un efluente aún más limpio devuelto al río Estándar de calidad del agua superior al exigido por los órganos ambientales

Fontes de emissões projetadas para o menor impacto possível, reduzindo as emissões de gases de efeito estufa Redução das emissões a níveis 50% abaixo do que a legislação ambiental exige Tratamento térmico de gases e moderno controle de odores

Sources of emissions designed for the lowest possible impact, reducing greenhouse gas emissions Reduction of emissions to 50% lower than required by environmental laws Thermal treatment of gases and modern odor control

Fuentes de emisiones diseñadas para el menor impacto posible, reduciendo las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero Reducción de las emisiones a niveles el 50% inferiores a los exigidos por la legislación ambiental Tratamiento térmico de gases y moderno control de olores

1ª planta integrada de ácido sulfúrico do Brasil Aproveitamento dos gases residuais do processo de cozimento da madeira na produção do ácido, que é utilizado no processo de produção de papel.

1st integrated sulfuric acid plant in Brazil Use of waste gases resulting from wood cooking process to produce sulfuric acid, which is used in the paper production process

1ª planta integrada de ácido sulfúrico de Brasil Provecho de los gases residuales del proceso de cocción de la madera en la producción del ácido, que se utiliza en el proceso de producción de papel

GERAÇÃO DE EMPREGOS | bloco de texto



In the first phase of construction, over 21K direct and indirect jobs were created. Based on estimates, during the first two years of the Puma II Project, R$198 million was injected into the aggregate earnings of workers in the surrounding municipalities. Besides encouraging partner companies to hire workers from the Campos Gerais region of Paraná state, Klabin also added value to the local labor pool by investing in technical training in the communities of Ortigueira and Telêmaco Borba, which benefitted hundreds of professionals. And another development cycle is just around the corner with the launch of the project’s second phase. 



Area designated for our employees working on the Puma II Project to accompany progress on construction, read notices and see photos, videos and more!

Área do colaborador - CLICK PUMA | Link



Acompanhe | bloco de texto


Stay up-to-date on everything at the Puma II Project. 

Acompanhe | Carrossel de imagens



For construction of the Puma II Project, Klabin wants to maintain its practice of prioritizing the hiring of local workers like it did for construction of the Puma Unit, which was inaugurated in 2016. At the time, during the construction phase, 85% of the workers hired by the company were from Paraná state.


In addition to encouraging partner companies to hire through the Workers’ Agency, the company also offers local workers various vocational and training programs so that they can access new job opportunities during both construction of the new industrial unit and later in the production and forestry operations.


If you are interested in working at the construction site, visit the Worker’s Agency in your city and register using your photo ID and employment record book. 

Agência do Trabalhador | bloco de texto



Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Openings are available at all Agencies of Paraná and workers are hired by the partner companies of the Puma II Project. Applications also can be made via the site empregabrasil.mte.gov.br. For more information, call: 

Ortigueira: (42) 3277-1089 | 3277-2092
Telêmaco Borba: (42) 3904-1651 | 3272-4903
Imbaú: (42) 3278-1611