Klabin Technology Center
Innovation is part of our DNA and can be found in of Klabin’s fields of activities, as an important driver for the evolution of our business.
Our team of scientists and researchers are dedicated to studying all the science behind our solutions and improving our production chain. They work in two departments located in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná. One is our Technology Center, whose mission is to improve the quality of products, staying ahead of trends and creating new technologies and sustainable applications. The other is the Forestry Research Center, that studies the universe around the forest chain, such as genetic improvement, wood quality, soil and climate studies, genetic adaptation, pest control and biotechnology, among others.

Our Research and Development + Innovation (R&D+I) area works to improve practices and processes to ensure the development of differentiated and innovative products that are more competitive, biodegradable and reduce operating costs.
When we reached a level of development maturity, the demand for producing certain materials on a larger scale and conducting extended industrial tests became necessary, and that is when we started to design and build our Pilot Plant Park. Located at the Monte Alegre Unit, in Telêmaco Borba (PR), the Park enables simulating a production unit in which studies and tests are carried out on several research fronts, such as the case of microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) and lignin, which enhance our portfolio and opportunities to operate in new markets seeking renewable and sustainable products.
Alcohol gel
Part of Klabin Technology Center's research routes are directed to the various uses of wood. After extensive studies we developed an alternative to produce alcohol gel using microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) at our Pilot Plant Park. The Park is designed to produce, on a small industrial scale, both MFC and lignin, substances extracted from wood. We see an enormous potential for extracting new products from our main raw material, trees from planted forests, and using this nanocellulose to produce alcohol gel reiterates the countless possibilities for renewable sources that lie ahead.
As part of the production possibilities at our Pilot Plant Park, we installed a plant with Lignoboost technology, which has a production capacity of up to 1 ton of lignin per day. As a result, we are increasing our presence in other markets, diversifying our business, offering alternatives that value the efficient and responsible use of forest resources. We are also focusing on developing sustainable technologies and applications.
Lignin is extracted from the black liquor used in the wood cooking processes and produced on a large scale in the pulp units, can be used as a resin, applied on linerboards, plywood, and abrasives; on plastics, increasing the percentage of renewable raw material, and as carbon fibers, replacing the use of fossil-based materials.
Eliminating the disposal of industrial waste in landfills is one of the KODS (Klabin's Sustainable Development Goals) goals. Also, in 2015 we made a commitment to the smart use of our forest’s full potential. From there we developed our bio-oil, a renewable alternative to fossil fuels made from part of our residues from the forestry process. Today, we are a world reference in these tests, which already show excellent performance, in addition to being a cheaper and much more sustainable alternative. With the evolution of research, in a few years we will be self-sufficient in the production of this green fuel.