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Sustainability Report 2023

Check out the main initiatives and practices adopted in 2023 by Klabin for the management of ESG themes (environmental, social and governance).

Conheça o Blog Klabin!  

Descubra mais sobre sustentabilidade, papel, celulose, embalagens, inovação e tecnologia e outros assuntos nesse novo ambiente digital.

Learn more about Eukaliner,
an award-winning kraft liner.

The product, unprecedented and innovative, is made exclusively with eucalyptus fiber, combining performance and sustainability that will innovate the corrugated packaging market. Learn more.

Klabin presents: The trees that touch us.

More than protecting the trees, Klabin decided to listen to them. Watch our tribute to Arbor Day.

Puma II Project 
The largest investment in Klabin´s history 

More than R$12 million will be earmarked to the construction of an unbleached pulp line integrated into two paper packaging machines, with a production capacity of 910,000 tons per year. Click to learn more.

Nossos Produtos




29 JAN
press release

Klabin has 50 trainee vacancies open in Paraná

20 JAN
press release

With Klabin's support, Association of Cooperatives signs a contract with Sapore to increase the supply of fresh produce to the Company's restaurants

09 JAN
press release

Klabin’s new targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

06 JAN
press release

Klabin conducts a carbon footprint study for PineFluff® pulp

23 DEC
press release

Terminal Portuário da Klabin comemora dois anos de operação com mais de 1 milhão de toneladas de celulose embarcadas

20 DEC
press release

Klabin é reconhecida no Paraná pelo seu comprometimento com o desenvolvimento sustentável

20 DEC
press release

Klabin lança Wicket Paper Bag, solução sustentável e inovadora para embalagens de fraldas

19 DEC
press release

Klabin promove oficinas de compras públicas da agricultura familiar no Paraná

18 DEC
press release

Escola Técnica de Ortigueira forma novos estudantes