

Klabin plans biogas production in partnership with GEF Biogás Brasil

The goal is to increase power generation using biogas and to actively contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from landfills and rural properties

Paraná, August 3, 2021 - Klabin signed a working agreement with the project GEF Biogás Brasil to foster biogas production in Brazil's South and to support reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The plan includes a series of activities this year, starting with structuring the business model, which will assess the technical, financial and legal possibilities for producing biogas by treating solid waste in landfills and on rural properties in the state of Paraná.

The first proposal being studied is to optimize the biogas capture system at the municipal landfill of Imbaú, Paraná, which is linked to the Intermunicipal Paths Consortium of Tibagi  and will receive support from Klabin through its Solid Waste Program. The second project is to analyze systems for treating rural sewage effluents from properties served by the program Social Forests – Planning Sustainable Properties, a socio-environmental initiative created by Klabin. Both projects will be implemented in the Campos Gerais region of Paraná.

The GEF Biogás Brasil project is led by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, financed by the Global Environment Fund (GEF), implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and executed by the International Center for Renewable Energies (CIBiogas). The business models under the alliance between the project and Klabin are expected to be delivered by end-2021, including the technical assessments of the methods for implementing each proposal.

"The project brings not only new partners, but also an environment of opportunities for new businesses and the adoption of technologies," said the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Secretary of MCTI, Paulo Alvim.

"In this implementation phase of the project, the teams from Klabin and GEF Biogás Brasil are working together and sharing information to effectively assess the projects planned. We are very enthusiastic to be actively contributing to the success of this initiative, which is aligned with the environmental commitments undertaken by the Company," said Francisco Razzolini, Director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects.

"Jointly with the private sector, the GEF Biogás Brasil project is developing seven business models and business plans in key sectors with high potential for biogas production and profitable applications for biogas and its subproducts," explained Alessandro Amadio, the representative of UNIDO for Brazil and Venezuela.

The mission of the GEF Biogás Brasil project is to diversify Brazil's energy matrix with biogas, which will help reduce GHG emissions and the country's dependence on fossil fuels. The initiative is aligned with Klabin's Sustainable Development Goals (KODS), which were launched in 2020. KODS are a set of short-, medium- and long-term targets that prioritize the environmental, social and governance needs that are fundamental to the Klabin and to the global urgencies of society and the planet. 


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