
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin supports the creation of Cooperatives Association in Paraná

Formed by five cooperatives with almost 900 members from 34 towns across Paraná, the cooperatives association boosts family farming


Paraná, October 5, 2021 - Increasing the competitiveness of cooperatives and family farmers, who by themselves are not strong enough to enter the market, was the driving force behind Klabin’s support for creating the Association of Family Farming Cooperatives in the Central North region of Paraná.  The group is formed by five partner cooperatives of the Social Forests program and almost 900 members from 34 towns across Paraná, all of whom are served by the initiative. 

The entity was created in late August at a meeting held in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná, in which representatives from the Federation of Family Farming and Solidarity Economy Cooperatives of the State of Paraná (FECAFES) participated. The idea behind creating the association is the union of forces to strengthen the production and marketing of food produce, explore new markets, achieve competitive prices, exchange experiences and optimize services.  Management is shared by the member cooperatives, which take decisions on expanding the presence of local producers in the market.

Following are the members of the new Association: Cooperative of Family Farmers of Cândido de Abreu (Copercandi), Cooperative of Family Farming of São Jerônimo da Serra (COOAF), Cooperative of Beekeepers and Stingless Beekeepers Caminhos do Tibagi (Coocat-Mel), Cooperative of Food Processing and Solidarity Family Farming of Sapopema (Copasol) and Agricultural Cooperative Reservense (COPAR-R). Others, such as Cooperosas from Ortigueira, are part of joint discussions and are in the process of being created. Apart from the cooperatives, farmers' associations such as the Association of Residents and Producers of Cerrado Grande (AMPRCG) in Tibagi, and the Rural Producers Association of Campinas Belas (APROCAM) in Reserva, are also part of the joint action strategy to discuss production arrangements in the region.

The initiative expands the reach of the Social Forests - Planning Sustainable Properties program launched by Klabin in 2015, which benefits more than 600 rural properties in 11 towns across the region, as well as family farming associations and cooperatives. In partnership with the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and Association for the Preservation of Environment and Life (Apremavi), and with support from municipal governments, the program helps small and midsized rural producers in all stages of production - from environmental adaptation and support in selling their produce in local markets to training, diversification of property and encouragement to forming associations and cooperatives.

“The Association will increase the competitive potential of family farmers and expand their sales channels.  The cooperatives have different origins and realities, but are solidary, with common needs that drive the structuring of a solid market to expand market possibilities”, says Regiane Aparecida Moura da Silva, chairwoman of COOAF, who was elected chairwoman of the Association.

The agenda includes a series of actions, starting with the structuring of the Association’s business and feasibility plan in partnership with Sebrae, in addition to the establishment of the headquarters in Telêmaco Borba and discussions with different institutions to define a common agenda.

“Actions such as these are part of Klabin's Sustainability Policy designed to contribute to the regional development of the towns where we operate in a sustainable manner.  The creation of the Association with support from the Social Forests program represents an important milestone in the joint efforts with producers and their cooperatives to help them grow and achieve greater productivity and sustainability”, says Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations manager at Klabin.

About the Social Forests program
Launched in May 2015 by Klabin in Paraná, the “Social Forests - Planning Sustainable Properties” program encourages family farming and assists small rural producers in Ortigueira, Imbaú, Telêmaco Borba and Reserva through all stages of production, from obtaining the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) to selling their produce in local markets, while also diversifying their properties and encouraging associativism / cooperativism. In 2020, the Program expanded to Santa Catarina to help strengthen family farming in that state, starting operations in Otacílio Costa. The program was launched during a seminar in which farmers from the Serra Catarinense region, partners and supporters participated. Actions to increase production were implemented, including support for selling the produce through the delivery system, which began in December. This year, the initiative reached Lages and Correia Pinto, and at least 60 properties in the region are expected to be served.

Actions under the program in 2021 will continue to drive grassroots and community development, and include expansion to other towns in Paraná and Santa Catarina.