
Schools in Santa Cecília receive Klabin’s Growing Up Reading project

Santa Catarina state, April 27, 2018 – This month, Klabin’s Growing Up Reading project was implemented in two more schools in Santa Cecília, a city in Santa Catarina state. The company delivered two reading corners with 450 books each to the schools Cancianila Ardegaus and Professora Dilma Grimes Evaristo, benefiting more than 200 students.


The initiative encourages children from up to 6 years old to read, while stimulating creativity, imagination and the sharing of experiences and contributing to the success of Brazil’s National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (PNAIC). The Growing Up Reading project also trains nursery school professionals and offers story-telling workshops for parents, teachers and volunteers of Klabin, who work in partnership with the company so that children start primary school having developed a reading habit.


Developed in partnership with the NGO United Way Brasil and the Avisa Lá Institute, the Growing Up Reading project already has reached 26 cities in seven Brazilian states where Klabin operates. More than 11,000 children have been benefited and nearly 18,000 books donated. The Project already has trained 630 nursery school professionals, including teachers, technicians from the Department of Education, school principals and pedagogic coordinators).