
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin presents social program to support development in Goiana

Goiana, April 23, 2021  Klabin is launching in the state of Goiana local development support programs that provide incentives for better planning of public administration and education. The initiatives, which already are being carried out by other Klabin units in Brazil, were presented this week to the mayor, Eduardo Honório, and the deputy mayor and secretary of Education, Fernando Veloso. The project, which will be launched this month, is part of Klabin’s Sustainable Development Goals (KODS), which were established based on the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. 


The Public Administration Support program provides specialized public planning consulting services to support the city in setting priorities and developing a Multi-Year Plan (PPA). The actions are monitored via regular meetings, and the findings are reported to the mayor to support decision-making. Klabin’s Sowing Education program will provide the support for public education, which includes continuing training for teachers and guidance on improving school administration. The aim is to help the city’s Department of Education achieve its goal of improving performance in the K-12 Education Development Index (IDEB).


“The initiatives to be implemented in Goiana, which attest to our commitment to the region’s people and communities, include fostering sustainability and supporting achievement of the goals in the Klabin Agenda 2030, based on the KODS,” said Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations Manager. At the meeting, Klabin presented its Sustainability Policy, which guides its social responsibility actions, especially in the regions where it operates, to reinforce local development by supporting education and empowering communities.


“We heard the initiatives proposed and will maintain this dialogue to strengthen the partnership, because we can envisage a better future for our city,” said the mayor of Goiana, Eduardo Honório.


Klabin works in partnership with local governments to leverage the company’s positive impact on communities. The programs implemented in Goiana were first launched in Paraná, in 2017, and then rolled out to Santa Catarina early this year, which involved adaptations given the pandemic. 



The projects that Klabin will launch in the region are outlined below:


Public Administration Support Program 


By providing the public planning consulting services of the firm Interação Urbana, the program supports the balancing of public accounts by cutting expenses and improving the use of public funds, with an emphasis on support for drafting Multi-Year Plans (PPA).


Klabin Sowing Education


The Klabin Sowing Education Program works to improve learning in public schools and optimize the management of public funds for education, with an emphasis on results and balancing needs in school administration, infrastructure, resources and academic practices. The project is supported by the education specialists of the consulting firm Interação Urbana.