Press Release
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais
Klabin conducts workshops on public procurement for family farming in Paraná
The event, carried out by the Klabin Transforma - Social Forests Program, was held in four municipalities of Campos Gerais
Paraná, December 19, 2024 – Klabin, through the Klabin Transforma – Social Forests Program, conducted Workshops on Public Procurement for Family Farming, in partnership with the Association for Preservation of the Environment and Life (Apremavi), the Small Company Support Service (Sebrae), the Rural Development Institute of Paraná (IDR – Paraná) and the Vale do Tibagi Territorial Committee, with the support of the municipal governments. The purpose of the meetings was to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to public procurement for family farming in the region.
The workshops gathered 143 participants in Telêmaco Borba, Tibagi, Imbaú and Reserva. Municipal secretaries, nutritionists, school cooks, cooperative and association leaders, and representatives of the municipal school food councils attended the workshops.
During the event, participants addressed questions regarding the procurement processes involving family farming and received detailed guidance on the National School Feeding Program (PNAE). The workshop adopted a more focused perspective on the municipalities and took a more detailed approach to developing action plans, continuing from the seminar held earlier in the year.
For Suellen Fernanda Pavanelo da Silva, project manager at Sebrae Paraná and coordinator of the Social Forests program for Sebrae, the workshop was very productive. "We have identified which products currently have the potential to be in demand but are not being produced, as well as those that are produced but have not yet been added to the menu. Therefore, we became aware of the challenges and opportunities involved in this process, and the workshops enabled us to develop work plans to address these issues. Our goal is to increase the procurement of products from family farms through municipal and state programs and to diversify the mix of products offered,” she said.
As a result of the workshops, an action plan was developed that will be revisited and monitored throughout 2025, enhancing the precision of the production and procurement processes for family farming products.
#Agriculturafamiliar #KlabinTransforma #MatasSociais