
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin provides training for child and adolescent protection networks

The initiative targeted professionals who offer support to victims of violence in the municipalities of Telêmaco Borba, Imbaú and Ortigueira

Paraná, November 22, 2024 - During November, Klabin organized training sessions for groups dedicated to combating violence against children and adolescents. For three days in each city reached by the initiative, participants engaged in a schedule of lectures, classes, workshops and activities that began in the morning and concluded in the late afternoon.
The main purpose of the training sessions—conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Municipal Administration (Ibam)—was to impart specific technical knowledge, allowing participants to effectively identify and respond to the protection needs of children and adolescents who are victims or witnesses of violence, thereby fostering a safe and welcoming environment in their area of activity.
The initiative started in Telêmaco Borba from November 4 to 6, continued in Imbaú from November 7 to 11, and concluded in Ortigueira from November 12 to 14. The participants were selected and nominated by key representatives from the municipal departments of Social Assistance, Education, and Health, as well as by the Department of Public Safety through the Civil and Military Police, the Education Center, and the Regional Health Office.
The manager of Social Responsibility and Community Relations, Uilson Paiva, emphasizes the importance of training and mobilizing the community to support individuals in vulnerable situations and mentioned that since the inception of the Puma Project, the company has been implementing specific actions to address this issue. "Klabin has been continuously working on training the community and public officials to tackle significant issues through preventive programs and by reinforcing the protection networks for children and adolescents," he states.
The coordinator of Ibam's Education area, Márcia Costa, underscores the importance of each link in the human rights protection chain as crucial for building and sustaining a safe environment. "Once each member of the protection network acknowledges the importance of their role in this work, we can strengthen the group to effectively defend, hold accountable, and promote the rights of children and adolescents.
The social worker at Social Welfare Center (Cras) Cidade Nova, in Telêmaco Borba, Roberta de Paula Ferreira, reviewed concepts with a new perspective. "It was a significant moment for professional practice, allowing for a reassessment of service approaches for children and adolescents, as well as identifying the key areas for improvement within the violence intervention network." A moment that further prepares us to continue with this work," she remarked.
During the meetings held in the three municipalities, more than 100 people were trained to work in networks dedicated to the protection of children and adolescents. Representatives from the following entities participated in the training sessions: Child Protective Services; Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA); Military Police of Paraná; Social Welfare Centers (Cras); Specialized Welfare Centers (Creas); Municipal Departments of Education; Departments of Sports and Culture; Shelter Services; Specialized Listening; Municipal Guards; Municipal Departments of Social Action;; Municipal Departments of Health; Special Protection; and Socialization and Bond Strengthening Services.
About Ibam
Ibam is a non-profit civil association governed by private law, focused on the institutional development of public administration. Its activities are focused on enhancing the ability to formulate public policies, ensuring rights, expanding the availability of services and promoting local economic and social development.

The Institute operates within the framework of sustainability and seeks to strengthen the local capacities of various stakeholders, including governments, businesses and society. Thus, it creates favorable conditions for the municipal government to build the foundations of an innovative and inclusive administrative culture.



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