
Relações com Investidores e Resultados Financeiros

Klabin reaches Adjusted EBITDA of R$1,805 billion in the third quarter of 2024

- The Company reported a 33% increase in Adjusted EBITDA compared to the third quarter of 2023.
- Total Net Revenue was R$4,999 billion in 3Q24, a 14% increase from 3Q23.
- The paperboard segment ended the quarter with sales volume 25% higher than in the same period last year, benefited by the production ramp-up of paper machine 28.
São Paulo, November 4, 2024 – Klabin, Brazil's largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, the country’s only company to offer solutions in hardwood pulp, softwood pulp and fluff pulp, ended the third quarter of 2024 with Adjusted EBITDA of R$1,805 billion, an increase of 33% compared to the third quarter of 2023.
Net revenue totaled R$4,999 billion in 3Q24, up 14% from 3Q23. Total sales volume in 3Q24, excluding wood, was 938,000 metric tons, driven by the paper segment, which continues to benefit from the performance ramp-up of paper machines 27 and 28, both located at the Ortigueira Unit, in Paraná, which recorded sales increase of 25% for paperboard and 31% for containerboard compared to 3Q23.
In the first nine months of 2024, total cash cost amounted to R$3,091 per metric ton, a decrease of 6% compared to the year-ago period, mainly explained by synergies captured from the Caetê Project, which consolidated the Company's forestry expansion. In addition, Klabin continues to prove its ability to create value for its shareholders: in the last 12 months, the Company distributed R$1.4 billion in dividends, which represents a dividend yield of 6%.
Note that, in the last week of October, Klabin announced new versions of its Financial Debt Policy and the Policy on Dividends and Interest on Shareholders' Equity, as disclosed in a Material Fact notice. The documents reaffirm the Company's transparency and long-term vision.
The Company invested R$2.550 billion in its operations and expansion projects between January and September 2024, which represents a reduction of 23% compared to the same period last year. Of the invested amount, R$650 million was allocated to forestry, R$675 million to the operational continuity of mills, and R$679 million to special projects. The modernization project of the Monte Alegre unit and the Puma II Project received investments of R$70 million and R$296 million, respectively.
The investment amount does not include the payment of R$6.3 billion for the Caetê Project made in July 2024.
Plateau Project
On October 29, Klabin announced an agreement with a Timber Investment Management Organization (TIMO), anticipating the monetization of excess land from the Caetê Project, which reinforces the current deleveraging cycle of the Company. The conclusion of the Plateau Project is subject to customary conditions precedent, including approval by the relevant regulatory authorities.


#Resultados #Ebitda #3T24