
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

The Klabin Caiubi Program conducts teacher training in Angatuba (SP)

The initiative contributes to promoting environmental education in the municipalities where it operates


São Paulo, August 1, 2024 – For the third consecutive year, Klabin reinforces its commitment to environmental education in the region of Angatuba (SP) through the Klabin Caiubi Program. In 2024, the two meetings held had "Water Security" as their central theme, with the aim of raising awareness among the municipal public school teachers about the importance of preserving water and the rational use of this essential resource.


The program, which is in partnership with the Municipal Department of Education, universities and local entities, aims to train teachers and educational coordinators, promote educational activities with students, disseminate knowledge, and encourage sustainable practices.


The first meeting of this year took place at the Prof.ª Diva Moraes de Camargo Pucci Municipal School. The training session included experts from the Ecological Station of Angatuba, the Department of Water and Electricity (DAEE), and the company Palmeira Ambiental.


Among the topics covered, the Ecological Station of the municipality provided an overview of water security, highlighting the water cycle and the impacts of human activities on resources. DAEE, in turn, focused on the management of watersheds, including protection and conservation measures. Palmeira Ambiental addressed the importance of proper solid waste management to avoid water contamination, while Klabin presented its initiatives in the area of environmental preservation and rational use of water.


The second meeting, also at Prof.ª Diva Moraes de Camargo Pucci School, featured a representative from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), who gave a lecture on "Environmental changes caused by anthropic activities". Environmental Engineering students from São Paulo State University (UNESP) conducted interactive activities with the teachers on the topics covered in the training sessions. The activities were planned to be replicated in the classroom by teachers, promoting learning in a playful and engaging way.


In 2024, the Klabin Caiubi Program has been benefiting about 100 5th grade students from the municipal public schools of Angatuba, with the collaboration of five teachers. The initiative demonstrates Klabin's commitment to environmental education and sustainable development in the region. "The joint efforts involving Klabin, the Department of Education, universities, and local partners have been essential for the success of the program, which contributes to develop citizens who are aware and engaged in the preservation of the environment," says Júlio Nogueira, Corporate Sustainability and Environment Manager at Klabin.