
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin program boosts income and productivity of family farmers

Social Forests program is implemented in 11 municipalities across Paraná and five in Santa Catarina


Paraná, February 6, 2024 – Over 57% of rural farmers served by Klabin’s family farming program saw their income grow after partnering with the program, while 46% saw an increase in the sale of food items produced. This data was obtained from a survey of 310 people to evaluate the Social Forests program, which helps to plan sustainable properties of small and midsized rural producers.

A Klabin initiative implemented in partnership with the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and Association for the Preservation of Environment and Life (Apremavi), Social Forests helps small and midsized rural producers in all stages of production - from adaptation to environmental laws and support in selling their produce to training, property diversification and encouragement to forming associations and cooperatives.  “Our goal is to support farmers in improving their production and income through sustainable production,” said Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations manager at Klabin.

Since the program’s launch in 2015, more than 850 small and midsized rural properties in Paraná and Santa Catarina have benefited. In Paraná, Social Forests is being implemented in Ortigueira, Telêmaco Borba, Imbaú, Reserva, Sapopema, Curiúva, São Jerônimo da Serra, Cândido de Abreu, Tibagi, Ventania and Rio Branco do Ivaí. In Santa Catarina, it is being implemented in Lages, Correia Pinto, Otacílio Costa, Palmeira and Ponte Alta.

Through specialized consulting services, diverse actions to support farmers are implemented in different production chains (olericulture, animal production, fruit farming and agroindustry, among others). As a result, 66% of the farmers reported an increase in food production, 68% reduced the use of pesticides and herbicides, while for 70%, improved health was one of the benefits of agroecological or organic production.

Cooperativism is another point that brings significant results to farmers: 52% of the respondents are members of a cooperative, association or group. In Santa Catarina, such membership comes to 75%, especially in associations. Among cooperative members, 50% of the farmers noticed an increase in revenue in the last two years, while among non-cooperative members, this increase was perceived by only 26% of the farmers.


For Ilario Cizanska, a farmer served by the Program and secretary of Coopercandi (Cooperative of Cândido de Abreu (PR)), Social Forests helps farmers and enables gains in cultivation. “I have received advice at my farm and noticed an improvement in the property as a whole. All the guidelines put into practice add value to our inputs and help us reach new heights,” he said.

As per the Program, a part of the food items produced by Coopercandi members is delivered to Feira do Bem in Telêmaco Borba, an initiative of the municipal government. Coopercandi is one of the five cooperatives served by Social Forests, which jointly make up the Association of Family Farming Cooperatives in the Central North region of Paraná, served by the program. A total of 900 farmers from 40 municipalities across Paraná are members of the Association. 

Since the launch of the program, more than 350,000 native seedlings have been donated and 257 hectares have been restored, while 2,228 hectares were made Permanent Preservation Areas and Legal Reserve. Based on sustainable production, 86.3% of the farmers recognize the environmental benefits of the program, which involves adaptation of the properties for compliance with forestry legislation.

 “Apremavi visited the properties of the Social Forests program here in Cândido Abreu, helped to adapt them and provided native seedlings to restore the riparian forests and legal reserve. This covers the three aspects of Social Forests, which is Economic, Social and Environmental,” said Ilário.

 “The results show that we are on the right track, since 93% of the farmers interviewed rate the program positively. All this dedication helps family farmers to qualify their production, increase their income and work on reducing the effects of climate change by reducing the use of pesticides, protecting watersheds and managing their property more sustainably, among many other benefits,” said Uilson Paiva.