

Klabin has vacancies for trainees in Paraná

By January 31, the Company is receiving candidates for the vacancies of Industrial Maintenance Worker, in Monte Alegre and Puma, and Forestry Maintenance Worker


Paraná, January 25, 2024 – Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, has vacancies for trainees in the State of Paraná. A total of 15 vacancies will be distributed for the jobs of Industrial Maintenance Worker, in Monte Alegre and Puma units, and Forestry Maintenance Worker.


Maintenance Worker Trainee is responsible for the maintenance of equipment and machines, identifying faults and correcting them, thus ensuring their perfect functioning. Approved professionals should provide support to maintenance workers across all levels of production and learn the safety, cleaning and quality techniques at Klabin. The new class should conclude their training in September.


For the People & Management manager at Klabin, Luciana de Nadai, the education of new youth enhances the opportunities for work in the region and contributes to the evolution of these professionals. “Klabin believes that education for the social and economic development of the communities is important, fostering income generation for professional progress of participants,” she said.


The proposal of Klabin is to have new classes of trainees every six-month period, increasing its performance in the education of new professionals. Candidates must register using the links below:


Forestry Maintenance Worker: https://carreiras.klabin.com.br/job-invite/25519/

Maintenance Worker PUMA and MA: https://carreiras.klabin.com.br/job-invite/25309/