

Klabin publishes 2023 Public Summary of Forestry Management Plan in Angatuba (SP)

Document shows the results of the Company’s actions for good management of its forests through social and sustainability policies. 


São Paulo, August 16, 2023 — Klabin, the benchmark in sustainable development-oriented management, has made available for consultation the 2023 Public Summary of the Forestry Management Plan of its Angatuba Unit in São Paulo. The area, which supplies raw material for paper production and timber sales, occupies nearly 4,300 hectares of pine and eucalyptus forests and 3,700 hectares of conserved forests spread across the municipalities of Angatuba, Itapeva, São Miguel Arcanjo, Tapiraí, Buri, Guareí, Itapetininga, Paranapanema and Sarapuí. 
The document compiles the Company’s forest management, social and environmental responsibility efforts, and as well as its social and environmental indicators. Note that Klabin adopts correct environmental practices while leveraging the production potential of forests and in protecting natural resources. For this, it maps the environmental liabilities in its properties and, if necessary, implements corrective procedures. 
At the Angatuba Unit, the Company’s Forest Management decisions are based on studies, simulations and analysis of information about the area’s forest resources. Based on these data, the Company defines the harvest rates and most appropriate forest intervention strategies. The pine and eucalyptus seedlings are produced in an outsourced nursery. Before planting, the area is cleared and receives agricultural inputs that help conserve water resources and soil characteristics. 
As regards Social and Environmental Responsibility, Klabin has implemented in the area and other regions where it operates, comprehensive occupational health and security programs, and provides training and benefits to promote the quality of life of its employees. It also works in partnerships for forest development in rural properties for planting forests and with small producers (at a radius of up to 200 km from the plant), maintaining open dialogue channels with neighboring communities through phone, email, meetings and other means.
Klabin considers environment conservation a priority in its actions. One of the main strategies used is mosaic forest management, by which pine and eucalyptus plantations are interspersed with native forest areas. This innovative approach pioneered by the Company has proven highly effective in increasing the forest production potential while also helping it to protect natural resources and maintain biodiversity. 
The document also brings data obtained from the periodical monitoring of flora and fauna at the Unit’s farms. In 2023, the initiative identified 404 native plant species, 18 of which are endangered, and 409 wildlife species, 16 of which are endangered. 
The 2023 Public Summary of the Forestry Management Plan is available on the Company’s website (https://klabin.com.br/sustentabilidade/estrategia/resumo-publico). 

#ResumoPúblico2023 #PlanodeManejoFlorestal #ResponsabilidadeSocioambiental