
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin opens registration for Right Step and Singing Girls programs

The initiatives, which offer dance, capoeira and singing classes, are free and open to the community


Paraná, August 4, 2023 – Klabin’s socio-educational programs for children and teens from age 6 to 17 have opened registration, with the deadline August 14. The Klabin programs Right Step and Singing Girls are initiatives developed for the communities of Telêmaco Borba and Ortigueira.
The Klabin Right Step Program offers dance and capoeira classes, while the Singing Girls Program offers choral singing classes. “Cultural activities make a huge contribution to the development of our youth by supporting their physical and emotional heath. Offering actions like these in our local communities is part of our commitment to building a better society,” said Maria de Lourdes Ava Avila de Araújo, Facilities manager at Klabin.
The classes of both projects are 100% free of charge. For more information, call (42) 3271-5580 or (42) 99949-7826.
Details of each program follow:






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