
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

With Klabin’s support, Tibagi, Ventania, Imbaú and Telêmaco Borba advance in regularizing the Municipal Inspection Service (SIM)

Seal permits the sale of animal products in a regulated manner, ensuring safe consumption and higher income for small producers

Paraná, May 15, 2023 – Through the Social Forests - Planning Sustainable Properties family farming program conducted in partnership with the Association to Preserve the Environment and Life (Apremavi) and Sebrae, and with support from the respective municipal governments, Klabin helped implement the Municipal Inspection Service (SIM) in Tibagi, Ventania and Imbaú. The initiative aims to legalize the sale of animal products, such as honey, cheese, eggs and cold cuts, among others, in local stores and markets, in order to foster the economic and social development of communities near Klabin’s operations. 

According to Ana Marta Borges, owner of Queijaria Sítio Faxinal, a cheese producer in Tibagi, the implementation of SIM was very important for producers. “Before SIM, our production came only from three cows, but now we have 15. In addition, our sales volume increased from 72 kg to 270 kg per month, while revenue grew by over 270%.”

To offer the inspection service, a municipality must hire a veterinarian who will be responsible for the technical inspection of products, a vehicle for use in inspection visits and a workplace inside the municipal office. All animal products are inspected by the veterinarian for compliance with health rules and, after being legalized, can be sold at markets, hotels and restaurants. 

Through the Social Forests - Planning Sustainable Properties program, Klabin provides specialized technical consulting services to help municipalities comply with laws applicable to the implementation of SIM.  “The sale of legalized products improve the health security of the population, increases ICMS tax collections, thereby generating more income for the municipality, and creates more sales options for producers who, consequently, make more profits,” said Marcus Fusco, veterinarian and Sebrae consultant for the Social Forests - Planning Sustainable Properties program.

Klabin launched the Social Forests - Planning Sustainable Properties program in 2019, in Tibagi, which currently has 19 commercial establishments registered with SIM. The company also provides guidance to help municipalities arrange the necessary documentation for the legal sale of products.
Following the successful implementation in Tibagi, Klabin assisted Ventania on SIM law and regulations for obtaining the certification and, through a consulting firm, helped the government of Imbaú obtain the seal, legalizing 18 commercial establishments. In Telêmaco Borba, the program is supporting an amendment to the existing law and providing support to the implementation process.

 “The implementation of SIM is a matter of public health and food safety for both producers and the population in general. Not to mention that, with SIM, the municipal economy tends to develop, since the legalization of products encourages local markets to prioritize them,” said Rodrigo Raizer, the SIM/POA veterinarian at Imbaú. 

“With the increasing legalization of products and improvement of the business environment, Klabin contributes to the sustainable economic development of the regions where it operates,” said Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations manager at Klabin. 

#ServiçodeInspeçãoMunicipal #SIM #MatasSociais