
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin Caiubi Program conducts teacher training program at Klabin Ecological Park

Initiative helps disseminate environmental education and biodiversity conservation in the municipalities where the company operates

Paraná, May 8, 2023 – The Klabin Caiubi Program, sponsored by the Company since October 2001, held a teachers training program on April 24 and 28 at the Klabin Ecological Park in Telêmaco Borba. The event was attended by 152 teachers from 64 schools in Telêmaco Borba, Ortigueira, Imbaú, Curiúva, Sapopema, Reserva, Ventania and Tamarana, directly benefiting around 2,300 students.

Klabin Caiubi Program, an initiative launched by Klabin in partnership with the education departments of participating municipalities, aims to disseminate environmental issues in order to enrich the academic curriculum. Training teachers from different disciplines is one of the program’s pillars and is aimed at developing theoretical and practical educational activities to raise awareness on the importance of environmental conservation and good environmental practices. 

During the training process, teachers participated in lectures by Klabin’s Sustainability and Environment team. Gustavo Góes, environmental manager at the Rio Tibagi Consortium, imparted theoretical knowledge on the theme “Protecting forests is conserving water”, explaining the importance of protecting and managing forests and their impact on water conservation. Also, the Klabin Ecological Park team accompanied the teachers in their practical activities at the Ecological Trail in the Park. 

“Participating in the teachers training program held by Klabin Caiubi was extremely important for me. I now feel qualified to teach my students about such an important issue as environmental preservation”, said Valdenice Garcia, teacher at Professora Iracema Torres Rochedo municipal school in Tamarana.

“For Klabin, investing in environmental education is one way of contributing to the economic and sustainable development of the regions where it operates. The initiative strengthens the Company’s relations with local communities and raises awareness on the importance of conserving biodiversity for the future of the planet”, said Julio Nogueira, Sustainability and Environment manager at Klabin.

#ProgramaCaiubi #FormaçãodeProfessores #PEK