
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin plants 100 golden trumpet trees in Paranaguá

The action on Avenida Portuária is aligned with the Urban Commitment & Neighborhood Impact Study Agreement of PAR-01

Paraná, April 3, 2023 – Klabin will plant 100 saplings of golden trumpet trees on the central median of Avenida Arthur Miranda Ramos, in the city of Paranaguá. The planting activities began on March 27 and should be concluded by April 14.


The action was formalized in the Urban Commitment Agreement of the Klabin Port Terminal (PAR-01), which was recently inaugurated in the city. The Urban Landscaping Renovation Project on Avenida Portuária was agreed upon by Klabin and the Municipal Urban Development Department of Paranaguá, which contemplates the planting of 100 native trees, in accordance with the Municipal Urban Tree Planting Plan, as well as monitoring of the trees’ development over the coming years. 


PAR-01 was inaugurated officially, on March 22, at an event attended by authorities such as the Paraná state governor, Ratinho Junior, and the CEO of Administração dos Portos de Paranaguá e Antonina (APPA), Luiz Fernando Garcia da Silva, as well as Klabin representatives. Located on an area of 27,530 m2, which was leased by Klabin for 25 years at an auction held in August 2019, the new operation of the Terminal, located on the commercial quay of the Port of Paranaguá, has annual capacity to receive up to 1 million tons of pulp and paper and is part of the investments Klabin has made in the state’s logistic sector in recent years.

#PAR01 #IpêsAmarelos #Paranaguá