
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin donates equipment to recycling cooperatives and associations in the Campos Gerais region

                                          Initiative is part of the company’s Solid Waste Program

Paraná, April 3, 2023 – As part of its Solid Waste Program, Klabin has donated eight baling press machines and one sorting conveyor belt to recycling cooperatives and associations in Telêmaco Borba, Imbaú, Ortigueira, Reserva, Rio Branco do Ivaí and Sapopema. The equipment will be essential to increase the productivity of recycling centers. While the conveyor belt speeds up sorting by type of material, reducing labor costs and increasing productivity, the press machines compress solid waste into bales to facilitate their handling, weighing and shipment for sale.


With the new machines donated to cooperatives, the Program underlines its goal of improving waste management and as well as the employment and income conditions of environmental recycling agents. “The new equipment delivered is extremely important for the productivity of our cooperative and helped reinforce the initiatives of the Program, which, since its implementation here in 2022, has improved the recycling process in Sapopema by 100%,” said Jackson Pereira Cândido, a recycling agent in the town.


According to Naigler Cavalcanti Jangada, municipal environment secretary of Imbaú, sales indicators from the Imbaú Recyclable Waste Collectors Association (Acamari) show that the volume of recyclable materials collected between June and September 2022 alone was double than what was collected in the first half of that year. In 2023, with the new equipment, the region expects to triple the volume of solid waste collected and sold. “This donation is a joint victory, the result of combining forces to preserve the environment. We have a lot to thank Klabin for the Solid Waste Program, which helped us along this process of improving waste management by providing technical consulting support,” added Naigler.


Launched in 2012, Klabin’s Solid Waste Program was implemented in partnership with the Caminhos de Tibagi Consortium. With the entry of ViraSer, a specialized consulting firm, in 2021, the initiative has been achieving increasingly positive result, such as higher sales of recyclable materials and the over 60% increase in the average income of the workers of partner cooperatives and associations. The program also developed leaderships, improved logistics and production efficiency at the sorting centers, and increased community engagement in the issue. 

Since 2014, the Company has invested around R$8 million in the Program, which included the planning and licensing of landfill, hiring the consulting firm ViraSer, acquisition of trucks, conveyor belts and press machines, renovation and construction of new sheds, training of cooperative collectors, environmental education plan and returnable bags for selective trash collection.


 “The sustainable development in communities where we operate is very important for Klabin. Delivering the equipment is an essential step to drive advanced solid waste management,” added Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations manager at Klabin.

#ViraSer #ProgramaResíduosSólidos #DoaçãodeEquipamentos