

Klabin recognized again by CDP as Supplier Engagement Leader

The CDP seal attests to the Company’s efforts to engage its supply chain in combatting climate change

São Paulo, March 27, 2023 – Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, was recognized once again by the Carbon Disclosure Program (CDP) as a global Supplier Engagement Leader. The Company figured among the 8% most highest rated companies for their efforts to involve their supply chain in issues related to climate change.

Organized by the CDP, an international not-for-profit organization that is a reference in evaluating the sustainability measures taken by companies around the world, the ranking assessed the performance of suppliers through responses by the actual companies on questions about governance, science-based decarbonization targets, reducing scope-3 emissions and the level of engagement in the supply chain. 

To Francisco Razzolini, Klabin’s Chief Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects Officer, the achievement confirms the effectiveness of the Company’s efforts to engage the private sector in topics related to climate change. “Aware of topic’s importance, we work to engage our partners and follow up with internal and external actions so that more people engage in the discussions on decarbonization initiatives and contribute to mitigating climate change,” he added.  

To promote engagement by the entire supply chain in sustainability topics, Klabin carries out a series of initiatives that contribute to its continued good performance in the CDP ranking. These include the Controlled Wood Program, through which the company audits and assesses monthly the percentage of compliance with the guidelines established for the properties involved, which include labor and human, environmental (water, solid waste, emissions) and social aspects; and the Sustainability in the Supply Chain Assessment Program, which adopts the Ecovadis methodology to analyze suppliers in various aspects, such as financial, labor and human, environmental and social. One of Klabin’s targets, which is part of its 2030 Agenda, is to have 100% of its critical suppliers assessed by the Program. 

 “Klabin has a long list of suppliers that carry out a wide range activities. We are aware of our responsibility as a company that is a reference in sustainability and always strive to engage our entire chain in topics that are relevant to us and part of our day-to-day activities, whether through programs or campaigns. And receiving this recognition once again shows that we are on the right path,” commemorated Roberto Bisogni, Klabin’s Operational Planning, Logistics, Procurement and IT Director.

#CDP #Sustentabilidade #MudançasClimaticas