

Klabin’s water management in Paraná makes important contribution to its water balance in 2022

On World Water Day, indicators show advances in the company’s internal targets at both the state and national levels. 


Paraná, March 21, 2023 – Aligned with the environmental targets established in its Agenda 2030, Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, remains firmly committed to implementing actions to protect and restore water resources. The conscientious use of water is a material topic for the company and, due to its importance and complexity, requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach that encompasses the entire production chain. The various initiatives include projects to reduce and reuse water, mainly in its industrial operations, which currently are located in ten Brazilian states. Last year, Klabin reduced by 17.8% the specific water consumption (consumptive use) of its plants (base year 2018). The target, which is included in Klabin’s Sustainable Development Goals (KODS), is to reach, by 2030, a reduction of 20% in this consumption. 
In Paraná, the state where its largest operation is located, the management of resources in 2022 presented important results within the general context of the company. In the period from 2018 and 2022, water consumption at the Monte Alegre Unit in Telêmaco Borba decreased by 6%. Furthermore, to raise awareness and promote engagement on the topic among its employees, the Company organized, in September, the “Environmental Congress – from Water to Paper.”
On the logistical and structural fronts, the Puma Unit formalized plans to install a treated water reuse project at the Wastewater Treatment Plants I and II and in sludge drying processes, as well as improvements in controls related to water use reduction. Another important action was the Klabin Caiubi Program, an environmental education project with a strong focus on water, involving the Monte Alegre and Puma units, whose expertise was recognized in the Paranapanema River Watershed Committee Awards 2022. 
One of the actions implemented by Klabin is the so-called Water Solidarity Management, which focuses on best forest stewardship practices to eliminate or minimize environmental impacts on micro-basins. The topic also is incorporated into the KODS, in which Klabin maintains its commitment to reach, by the end of this decade, 100% of its forest harvest operations at the national level under its own management with water solidarity, a percentage that increased from 79.7% in 2020 to 97.3% in 2022. The company also is committed to maintain 100% of its operational sites with initiatives to increase regional water security by 2030, and last year reached 74% of this target.
“At Klabin, we are constantly investing in innovation, research and technologies that help us to preserve a resource that is so critical not only to our business, but for life on the planet. The numbers achieved in 2022 demonstrate the progress made in meeting our internal targets established in the Klabin Agenda 2030 and motivate us to continue implementing strategies to produce even better results. On this World Water Day, we highlight how important it is to expand discussions on the efficient management and preservation of resources for the conservation of ecosystems,” said Francisco Razzolini, Chief Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects Officer at Klabin. 

Klabin Agenda 2030

Published in 2020, the Klabin’s 23 Sustainable Development Goals (KODS) consist of short, medium and long term targets that organize and guide the company’s priority aspirations in the areas of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) and which are aligned with its strategic growth plan, which were formulated based on the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Klabin drew on the methodology of the SDG Compass to guide its goals and aspirations in ESG topics, which are aligned with the milestones of its growth plan.

To implement this important effort, Klabin relies on the engagement of all areas and industrial units with the ultimate goal of creating value for society and its stakeholders. 


#DiaMundialdaAgua #KODS #ManejoHidrossolidário