
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin donates over R$3 million to projects for the elderly, children and teens

Action in partnership with the Fund for Children and Adolescents (FIA) and the Municipal Fund for the Elderly (FMI) benefits towns where the Company operates


Santa Catarina, January 19, 2023 -- Aware of the needs of surrounding communities, Klabin has donated R$3.7 million to projects dedicated to fostering the development of children and teens and to caring for the elderly in 37 cities (34 of them benefited by FIA and 19 by FMI) in Santa Catarina, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo. The initiative, which is part of the Company's social responsibility and ESG agenda, contributes to the grassroots development of communities and is part of Klabin’s Sustainable Development Goals (KODS) established based on the UN 2030 Agenda.


Klabin carefully scrutinized the projects to select the recipients and the donations were deposited directly in the FIA and FMI accounts to ensure greater transparency in the process.   Now, each organization can use the funds in the best manner possible for the specific needs of its beneficiaries. 


“To further reinforce its commitment to fostering social development, Klabin will monitor each action to ensure that the ideas put forth by the entities are effectively implemented,” said Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations manager at Klabin.


In Santa Catarina, approximately R$1.02 million were allocated to the municipalities of Bom Retiro, Canoinhas, Correia Pinto, Fraiburgo, Itajaí, Lages, Monte Castelo, Otacílio Costa, Palmeira, Rio do Campo, São Joaquim and Salete. 

Grassroots development: Donating under tax incentive laws is part of Klabin’s commitment to grassroots development, which is the essence of its Sustainability and ESG Policy.  “We strive to maximize the positive impacts of our actions through social programs focused on regional development, through engagement and frequent, proactive and transparent contact with communities, supported by a dedicated Social Responsibility and Community Relations department,” said Paiva.


Klabin implements and supports social projects that cause positive impacts on the social, economic and environmental dynamics of communities, while respecting the quality, local way of life and social relations.

#KODS #FundoparaaInfânciaeAdolescência #FundoMunicipaldoIdoso