

Underlining its ESG vocation, Klabin uses electric trucks for deliveries in upcountry São Paulo

Pilot initiative implemented at the Jundiaí Tijuco Preto (TP) Unit enables the Company to make deliveries using a carbon-neutral process and adopt solutions that prioritize alternative sources to oil, creating a positive impact on supply chains

São Paulo, December 22, 2022 – The delivery of products using a process that does not use fossil fuels, encouraging the supply chain too to advance towards a carbon-neutral economy. This is the idea behind Klabin’s use of electric trucks to deliver corrugated boards manufactured at the Jundiaí TP Unit in the interior region of São Paulo. Through this initiative, Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, is implementing actions aligned with the ESG agenda and is one of the pioneers in Brazil to make deliveries using such vehicles.
In this first phase, Klabin is testing four trucks for deliveries across the state of São Paulo and which, at the end of the day, return to the Unit for recharging at the charging stations, thus ensuring the neutrality of the operation. “Through this initiative, we reiterate our commitment to sustainable development, the promotion of a low-carbon economy and to engage our supply chain on this front. Adoption of electric trucks is an important step to show in practice that we can plan logistics that favor alternative sources to fossil fuels by closely following technological breakthroughs that enable us to progress in this direction”, said Roberto Bisogni, director of Operational Planning, Logistics, Procurement and IT.
The pilot project to use electric trucks is being rolled out in partnership with the LOG Group, our long-term partner in logistics solutions, and will help reduce “Scope 3” greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, related to the transportation and distribution of products, among other factors. “It must also be noted that the use of more sustainable logistics options also benefits the entire value chain. In this particular case, electric vehicles help our clients to advance in their decarbonization targets and, consequently, the ESG agenda, as it reduces the carbon footprint of products”, explained Bisogni.
The adoption of these vehicles should bring important lessons for the Company, which could ramp up the use of such vehicles, considering the prospects for increased use and availability of large electric vehicles around the world.


                                                                             Image: Klabin 


#CaminhõesElétricos #GrupoLOS #Descarbonização