
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

One year after holding its first graduation ceremony, the Ortigueira Technical School graduates new students

Paraná, December 22, 2022 – The Ortigueira Forestry and Agriculture Technical School, a pioneering project launched by Klabin in partnership with the Paraná state government and the Ortigueira municipal government, held on December 21 at the Queimadas Cultural Center a graduation ceremony for Forest Machinery Operations Technicians and for the first class of the Agribusiness Technician program.
Of the 60 graduates, 22 were hired by the company even before graduating, which underscores the company's commitment to fostering education and job opportunities in its communities.


“We’re thrilled to be holding another graduation in our Technical School, with our students leaving already employed or with excellent chances of getting a job at Klabin or another Brazilian company in the agribusiness and pulp and paper industries,” said Uilson Paiva, Community Relations manager at Klabin. 


The Ortigueira State Forestry and Agriculture Vocational Training Center was inaugurated in 2020 to be a reference in training forestry operators and mechanics, with its first class of students graduating in December 2021. The center and programs were developed after visiting model schools in Sweden and Finland, countries with long traditions in technical training in these fields. The school also offers an Agribusiness program.


“The Technical School, through both technical and practical education, increases students’ chances of graduating already with a job in their field. We thank Klabin and the Paraná state government for this successful partnership,” said Sueli Aparecida Martins, head of the Telêmaco Borba Education Center.


About the Ortigueira State Forestry and Agriculture Vocational Training Center


The Ortigueira State Forestry and Agriculture Vocational Training Center offers comprehensive facilities consisting of classrooms, fully equipped laboratories, restrooms, industrial kitchen, cafeteria, multi-sport court and leisure area. The school has capacity for up to 800 students and also has an exclusive boarding school for students enrolled in full-time programs.  The school receives federal and state government funds for its physical, human and educational maintenance. The center offers the following full-time and part-time (evening) programs:


Agribusiness Technician;


Forestry Machine Operations Technician (full-time);


Forestry Machine Operations Technician (post-high school, full-time);


Forestry Machine Operations Technician (post-high school, evening);


Heavy Machine Maintenance Technician (full-time);


Heavy Machine Maintenance Technician (post-high school, evening).

#EscolaTécnica #ProfissionalFlorestaleAgrícola #DesenvolvimentoEducacional