
Pesquisa & Inovação

Klabin develops innovative technological tool that helps plan forest roads

Goal is to design the best route for forest roads and enhance the technical level of planning analysis


Paraná, December 14, 2022 – Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, has consolidated this year the results of its tool for planning forest roads, after three years in the test phase. A pioneering project in Brazil with a return on investment of 5,800%, the initiative converted 450 hectares of roads into effective planting areas while reducing the erosive potential of these areas, bringing greater productivity and environmental gains. 

Called “Ferramenta de Planejamento de Estradas” [Road Planning Tool], the technological system developed by the company with its business partner Opt Geosolutions simulates physical and financial scenarios of forest roads based on over 80 indicators, as well as thematic and interactive maps. The tool’s inputs consider the physical characteristics of the land and the forest, such as genus and volume of wood, soil uses, slopes and existing roads, so that the result is consistent with actual land conditions. 

Accordingly, Klabin can finetune road planning, optimizing the time for analysis and reducing deviations between planning and execution, since the refined results enable it to identify the best road routes considering its operating premises.

Before the tool was developed, the planning of forest roads was done manually using printed maps and field validation visits. After the implementation of the new system, field validations have become more agile and accurate, with results indicating more critical areas that should be analyzed during the visit. Together with the implementation of the tool, employees were trained to operate and analytically interpret the results produced by it, reinforcing technology as a tool in the employee’s hands. 

“This development underlines Klabin’s pioneering role in taking digital transformation to the field and consolidating innovation as a driver of its business. With the system, we can quickly analyze, using computers, the areas for construction of forest roads and their feasibility, thereby saving time and resources,” said Darlon Orlamunder, director of Forest Operations at Klabin. 


#Sustentabilidade # FerramentadePlanejamentodeEstradas #OperaçãoFlorestal