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Klabin remains in CDP’s Triple A List

Klabin was the only Latin American company to score ‘A’ in the climate change, forests and water security programs


São Paulo, December 13, 2022 – Klabin is once again in the “Triple A List” of CDP, remaining in the select group of companies that received the ‘A’ score for the climate change, forest and water security programs. According to the announcement made by CDP on December 13th, Klabin is one of 12 companies from around the world to achieve the score this year and the only Latin American company from the over 10,000 companies that participated in the process. The recognition attests to the effectiveness of actions focused on the environment, launched by Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging.

”Klabin’s actions on sustainable development are part of the Company’s essence, enabling us to be the first company to achieve ‘Triple A’ last year. The maintenance of this score in 2022 underscores our solid and continuous efforts in which environment conservation is a commitment that is inseparable from our business growth and is also linked to the company’s long-term vision”, said Francisco Razzolini, director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects at Klabin.

CDP is a global nonprofit organization that manages a global environmental reporting system for companies, cities, states and regions, whose annual process is widely recognized as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. Companies are assessed using an independent methodology, which assigns a score from A to D based on the extent of disclosure, awareness and management of environmental risks, and the demonstration of best practices associated with environmental leadership. The complete ‘A List’ for this year is available here.

CDP’s recognitions

The year 2022 was marked by diverse recognitions from CDP for Klabin’s sustainable initiatives. In February, CDP announced that the company was included in the global Supplier Engagement Leaderboard in recognition of its incentives to engage its chain on the issue of climate change.
In May, Klabin was included - for the third consecutive year - in the CPD Brazil Climate Resilience Index (ICDPR70), a theoretical portfolio of companies with a high level of awareness on climate issues. The Company received the ‘A’ rating, which attests to the importance of the practices in its operations and businesses that help mitigate climate change.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index 

On December 9th, Klabin was also included - for the third straight year - in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), consolidating its position as one of the world’s most sustainable companies. The Company, the leader in the Containers & Packaging category with a score of 85/100, is part of the World Index portfolio of the list once again, which is one of the global benchmarks in good sustainability practices at listed companies.


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