
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Environmental Protectors Program holds graduation ceremony for another batch of students in Lages, Santa Catarina

With support from Klabin, the program trains elementary school students from public schools in the region on themes related to caring for the environment


Lages, December 12, 2022 – In November, another batch of 26 students graduated from the Environmental Protectors Program, an initiative of the Environmental Military Police in partnership with the State Education Department and supported by Klabin. The event was held at the CCJ auditorium of the Planalto Catarinense University (UNIPLAC) in Lages, Santa Catarina, and was attended by Col. Fábio Henrique Machado, Commander of the Environmental Military Police, as well as other police officers, company representatives, civil authorities and members from the local community. 

During the ceremony, the graduating students undertook to care for the environment and contribute ecologically to the planet for both the current and future generations. According to Milena do Nascimento Oneda, a 15-year-old student of the program, it was an unforgettable program that offered diverse experiences. “I learned many new and amazing things that will help me in my future, since I plan to pursue a military career,” she said. 

Klabin has been supporting the Environmental Protectors Program since 2005 and, through the action, seeks to increasingly foster knowledge of the environment and biodiversity conservation by showcasing the company’s efforts in its conservation areas across the region. “It is very rewarding to know that we are part of the education of these youth and that they multiply the knowledge acquired about the environment and biodiversity conservation throughout their community,” said Mireli of Klabin. 

The Environmental Protectors Program was launched with the mission of training elementary school students from public schools in Lages and the region on themes related to caring for the environment, turning them into multipliers of knowledge in their communities. The initiative provides theoretical and practical training and addresses themes such as nature conservation, environmental legislation, local flora and fauna, civility, morality and ethics. Since its creation, the action has already benefited more than 500 children aged between 11 and 15 in diverse cities across the state where the company operates.      

Field Day in the Serra da Farofa Complex

In October, Klabin took a batch of 41 students of the Environmental Protectors Program on a visit to the Serra da Farofa Complex Natural Heritage Private Reserve (RPPN) and the Nature Interpretation Center (CINAT) maintained by the company in the Planalto region in Santa Catarina. The event included activities and lectures by Sumatra Inteligência Ambiental, a consulting firm,  on themes such as the monitoring of flora and fauna, the importance of conservation units and the certified ecosystem services in the RPPN, such as water, carbon and biodiversity.


                                                                       Image: Klabin 


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