
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

After joining Klabin’s Sowing Education program, Sapopema sees improvement in its Basic Education Development Index

Sapopema, which joined the program in 2020, performed remarkably well in Ideb, the index that reflects the progress of education in Brazil between 2019 and 2021


Paraná, November 21, 2022 -  Sapopema registered a score of 6.4 in the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb) in 2021, improving from the 5.9 obtained in 2019. The results, announced by the Ministry of Education and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), underscore the strong engagement of teachers and the school community to create a positive effect on educational development in the town, which joined Klabin’s Sowing Education program in 2020.


“Klabin’s Sowing Education program was decisive in improving education across the region. We are very happy with the result of this partnership and are sure that the city’s educational development will improve even further,” said Fátima Rodrigues de Almeida, municipal secretary of Education at Sapopema.


Launched in 2019, the program is currently present in 20 towns in the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, Pernambuco and São Paulo, benefiting 291 schools and approximately 1,800 professionals in municipal schools.


“In Sapopema, we began implementing the program amid the COVID-19 pandemic and, despite the complex scenario, the results announced by the Ministry of Education and Inep show, in practice, how Klabin’s Sowing Education program truly supports and fulfills its mission of improving the performance of schools in the nationwide assessment Ideb. The results also show that the Company is aligned with its commitment to promoting sustainable development in the regions where it operates," said Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations manager at Klabin.


About Ideb


Ideb was created in 2007 to measure and monitor the quality of education in Brazil based on targets set for both educational institutions, as well as for states and cities across Brazil. The index, which evaluates learning and academic performance, is calculated based on pass data from the School Census, as well as the average grades obtained by students in the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb), which encompasses large-scale external standardized assessments in Portuguese and Mathematics.  

#Ideb #DeseenvolvimentoEducacional #SemeandoEducação