
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Managers and teachers at municipal schools in Congonhinhas receive training under Klabin’s Sowing Education program

Paraná, November 21, 2022 - The municipality of Congonhinhas held meeting with consultants from Interação Urbana, a consulting firm that provides technical support to public administration, to continue with the training of managers and teachers through Klabin’s Sowing Education program, which is dedicated to improving public education through good school management practices and teacher training in Portuguese and Mathematics. The training programs, which are given continuously and independently to the groups, with one program only for teachers and the other for principals and academic coordinators, have already started with on-site meetings for the teachers and managers involved.
At least 15 meetings (on-site and remote) and recorded activities make up the training schedule of the professionals involved in Congonhinhas.  Klabin’s program currently covers 10 schools in the town (6 urban and 4 rural), benefiting 845 students in daycare (119), preschool (201) and elementary school (525).
According to Camila Henrique Alves, a teacher at the João Canedo Municipal School, who is participating in Klabin’s Sowing Education program, the training complements her work in the classroom and she already notices an improvement in her teaching and learning methodologies.
The initiative, which is currently in progress at schools in 20 towns across Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Pernambuco, prepares students to deal with the challenges of a globalized market - a goal that requires equitable, inclusive and quality public education.
“The inclusion of one more town in Klabin’s Sowing Education program is very important for society and the Company, which sees education as one way of prioritizing sustainable development in neighboring communities”, concluded Uilson Paiva, Community Relations manager at Klabin.


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