

Klabin takes part in debates that stress the importance of corporate commitment to combat climate change, during the first week of COP27

São Paulo, November 14, 2022 – Klabin is in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, to participate in the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (COP27).For the second consecutive year, Klabin is the only Latin American company to be part of the Business Leaders group, which is responsible for disseminating the low-carbon economy.


On November 10th, Cristiano Teixeira, CEO of Klabin, participated in the round table “High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate” organized by Global Compact, which brought together top executives to send a strong corporate message of climate ambition and discuss solutions that drive sustainable economic growth in order to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

On November 11th, Francisco Razzolini, director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects at Klabin, participated in the event “Feeding the world while preserving forests - Achieving agricultural supply chains decoupled from deforestation”, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). He pointed out that transparency and forest preservation are non-negotiable commitments for Klabin. Klabin maintains more than 270 thousand hectares of preserved native forests, with high biodiversity, and has more than 300 thousand hectares of planted forests for industrial purposes. It understands the need for transparency towards its stakeholders around the world, and is proud of being the first company to achieve the “Triple A” category of CDP in Latin America, besides having its emission reduction target approved by the SBTi”, he said.

On November 11th, Razzolini also participated in the event “The use of Nature-Based Solutions to achieve Corporate Net-Zero targets: A review and discussion of balanced approaches”, organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in which he discussed the ways to ramp up efforts to preserve biodiversity and the Company’s net zero strategy.


#COP27 #InovaçãoeSustentabiilidade #CompromissosAmbientais