
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin Caiubi Environmental Education Program resumes onsite activities in Santa Catarina

In partnership with the local government, the 35th edition trained 56 teachers on environmental education, with the focus on sustainable actions that can permeate academic plans 


Santa Catarina, November 10, 2022 – The 35th edition of Klabin Caiubi Environmental Education Program, implemented by the Company in partnership with the education departments of diverse towns across Santa Catarina, was marked by the resumption of onsite activities after two years of online training. The two-day initiative addressed several topics related to the preservation of local flora and fauna in order to raise awareness among citizens on responsible consumption and care for the environment.


Launched in 2007 in Santa Catarina, the Klabin Caiubi Program aims to mobilize  public school teachers in fostering environmental education. In the current edition, the program was attended by 54 teachers from the municipalities of Correia Pinto and São Joaquim, and impacting 5,870 students in the state. During the meetings, the participants attended lectures given by the Association for the Preservation of Environment and Life (Apremavi), SUMATRA Environmental Advisory, the Environmental Military Police and Klabin representatives about the correct disposal of waste, circular economy and social and environmental programs that benefit the community, such as the Legal Forests program.

“Participating in the Caiubi Program was highly rewarding as it helps us to reinforce environmental preservation and awareness practices in order to improve the way we share information with our students and, consequently, the quality of teaching and learning. That’s why, I’m grateful for the warmth during these two days of immense learning value,” said Marta de Moura Madeira, biologist and teacher at a municipal school in São Joaquim, about her participation in the program.

                                     Credits: Klabin Caiubi Environmental Education Program


The meetings were held at the Caiubi Auditorium, which was specially prepared to welcome the participants. The event agenda also included a visit to the Araucária Trail, located in an area near Klabin’s industrial unit in Correia Pinto. Along the 1,260-meter trail, entirely guided by a representative of the Company, participants had an immersive experience, finding tags with important information on local flora and fauna, as well as other sustainable issues.

“We are very happy to resume onsite activities of the Klabin Caiubi Environmental Education Program and to establish close relations with teachers and strengthen the exchange of knowledge. We are very proud of the legacy built by this action in recent years, which has helped in advancing environmental education in the communities where we operate,” said Júlio Nogueira, Sustainability and Environment manager at Klabin.

About the Klabin Caiubi Environmental Education Program

The Klabin Caiubi Environmental Education Program, in its 35th edition, benefits several regions where the Company operates, such as Paraná, Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul. The initiative reached Santa Catarina in 2007, where it has already impacted more than 652 schools and 1,656 teachers, reaching over 223,000 students in the state over the years.

                                   Credits: Klabin Caiubi Environmental Education Program


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