
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Sapopema organizes 1st Cleaning Task Force in its recycling spaces

Action is part of Klabin’s Solid Waste Program and is implemented in partnership with the municipal government, with technical consulting support from ViraSer


Paraná, November 9, 2022 – One of Klabin’s main social purposes is to support the development of communities and regions where it is located through actions aimed at the preservation of natural resources, as well as the management and correct disposal of solid waste. Thus, with support from Klabin and technical consultancy from ViraSer, the municipal government of Sapopema and the Solid and Recyclable Waste Collectors Association (ACRSRS) organized the 1st Cleaning and Organization Task Force at the headquarters of the environmental organization. The initiative was launched to kickstart the Waste Program action in the town and prepare the place for eventual infrastructure work and new equipment in the future.


The Cleaning Task Force is one of the first stages of the Program, which arrived in Sapopema this year. Participants in the task force included technicians from ViraSer, municipal government employees, machinery operators, as well as truck- and tanker truck drivers. The initiative is important for the program as it aims to provide professionals with a quality working environment, resulting in an increased efficiency.

“Supporting Sapopema for the correct management of solid waste is complying with the Klabin’s Sustainability Policy”, said Uilson Paiva, Social Responsibility and Community Relations Manager at Klabin.       “With this, we are at the same time benefitting the community of Sapopema, contributing to the 2030 Agenda and to the achievement of Klabin targets related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals”, he concluded. 

Before this action, ACRSRS conducted an assessment, mapping the initiatives already implemented for the management of waste in the town, emphasizing the strengths of Sapopema in relation to environmental education of the community and association, and what can be optimized. 
Based on this assessment, Klabin, ViraSer, ACRSRS and the municipal government prepared a quarterly plan with actions to be implemented during the period. ViraSer, Klabin and the Municipal Government, through the Tourism and Environment Department, underline the community’s commitment to supporting the social, economic and environmental development of Sapopema. “In conjunction with our partners, we put into practice the Cleaning Task Force, which is an extremely necessary action to start up this project and reap the benefits of a sustainable future”, said Derneval Tini Junior, the Tourism and Environment Secretary of Sapopema.

Created in 2012, Klabin's Solid Waste Program was implemented in partnership with the Caminhos de Tibagi Consortium in the towns of Telêmaco Borba, Ortigueira, Imbaú, Reserva, Tibagi and Rio Branco do Ivaí. Together with ViraSer, the initiative has achieved impressive results, such as higher sales volume of recyclable materials and over 60% increase in the average income of workers at the cooperatives and partner associations, in addition to leadership development, improvement of logistics and productive efficiency of sorting centers, and expansion of the community’s engagement on the issue.      


#ResíduosSólidos #ViraSer #PráticasSustentáveis