

Klabin participates in COP27, in Egypt, as a member of the Business Leaders Group for the second straight year

The Company is part of the group responsible for engaging the private sector in the climate change topic, working in conjunction with the presidency of the event


São Paulo, November 8, 2022 – Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, Klabin participates in the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), held on November 6 through 18 in Sharm El-Sheikh, in Egypt. For the second straight year, the Company is a member of the Business Leaders group, responsible for disseminating the low-carbon economy and working to engage the private sector in the theme of climate change alongside the COP27 President, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry. Klabin will be represented at the Conference by its CEO, Cristiano Teixeira, and its Director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects, Francisco Razzolini.

“This year’s conference is expected to be about implementation, where promises can be transformed into progress, and we will monitor negotiations closely, aware of our key role in disseminating the importance of combatting climate change and our contribution to this front, among the leading companies in the private sector. We had a relevant participation in COP26 and trust that the sense of urgency will be converted, in the next two weeks, to decisions for immediate action,” said Cristiano Teixeira, CEO of Klabin, who is also UN Global Compact’s Climate (SDG 13) Ambassador for Network Brazil.

Our presence in yet another UN Climate Change Conference is compatible with Klabin’s extensive work and trajectory focusing on sustainable development, which made it a reference in Brazil  in this agenda. “Sustainability is part of Klabin’s essence, and during our centennial history we have been reinforcing this commitment through environmental conservation. The Company has been actively participating in conferences on the environmental theme since ECO-92, held in Rio de Janeiro. Being a member of the Business Leaders Group enables us to closely follow the dialogues and negotiations that will define the rules for transition to the Paris Agreement, based on the decisions made in 2021 at COP26. The regulation of the carbon market and environmental services is essential for us to advance in the sustainable economy,” commented Francisco Razzolini. 


Environmental conservation is a priority for Klabin


Klabin’s operations focusing on sustainability are oriented by Klabin’s Objectives for Sustainable Development (KODS), a set of short-, medium- and long-term targets that prioritize the environmental, social and governance needs essential for the company and the global urgencies facing society and the planet. Klabin 2030 Agenda is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the progress in complying with its targets can be followed by society in the ESG Panel (Link).


Klabin was one of the first companies in Brazil to become a signatory to the UN movement Business Ambition for 1.5º C, in 2019 and, in 2021, had its greenhouse gas emissions targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), under which the company undertook to reduce its GHG emissions (scopes 1 and 2) per ton of pulp, paper and packaging by 25% until 2025, and by 49% until 2035, having 2019 as the base year. In 2020, the company had already become a TCFD Supporter, which represents public support to the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board on the management of climate risks and opportunities, thus improving its transparency and communication on the matter. One of the results achieved is the reduction of 67% in the emissions of CO2 equivalent per ton of product between 2003 and 2021. 


Alongside the UN Global Compact’s Network Brazil, Klabin launched the campaign ImPacto NetZero (NetZero ImPact), focusing on collective engagement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The campaign is active and contributes to engaging the private sector in setting science-based targets to reduce emissions as much as possible.

“Climate change should be in the center of all discussions, including the private sector, which plays a key role in mitigating its effects. Engaging actively in the COP27 discussions is a way of understanding the paths that are being pursued to overcome the challenges facing humanity and contribute to the achievement of targets,” concluded Cristiano Teixeira.


#COP27 #PactoGlobalONU #MudançasClimáticas