
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin at School Project arrives at São Joaquim

Company organized lectures on traffic safety, environmental education and culture for 450 students from the Martinho de Haro municipal school


São Joaquim, November 7, 2022 — In October, Klabin held the first edition of its Klabin at School project in the Serra Catarinense region. As part of the initiative, the company organized lectures about its business and products, guided by sustainable development, for around 450 students from the Martinho de Haro municipal school in São Joaquim, Santa Catarina. At the end of the presentations, the company gave away seed pencils and masks. 
Klabin at School aims to disseminate among students knowledge about traffic safety, environment, environmental education and culture. The project has already been implemented in municipal and state schools across Paraná, where the company has operations. “Encouraging education is part of Klabin’s Sustainability Policy and is one of the greatest legacies we can leave in the regions where we operate, so that children and adolescents can learn more about nature, as well as our forest and industrial operations,” explained Robson Moreira Barbosa, Social Responsibility and Community Relations analyst at Klabin.
The social and environmental actions implemented by Klabin are part of the Klabin Sustainable Development Goals (KODS), a set of commitments aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that the company became a signatory to in 2016. 


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