
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin supports Marejada 2022 for a more sustainable event

Celebrated during the month of October, Brazil’s largest fishing feast used paper plates, napkins, waste collectors and other items donated by the Company


Itajaí, November 7, 2022 - Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, Klabin supported the 34th Marejada 2022, the most popular feast in Itajaí, state of Santa Catarina, and the largest fishing event in Brazil. The event, which occurred in October and received over 300,000 visitors, offered music, gastronomy and other traditional activities, with a sustainability-oriented agenda. Hence, it sought to mitigate possible impacts on the environment that may arise from the event, helping in some fronts, such as reduction in waste generation.  


Marejada is recognized as a sustainable event, winning awards in Brazil for its efforts. Every edition, the social and environmental responsibility assumptions are strengthened, in line with the United Nations (UN) goals. Accordingly, Klabin helped make the event even more sustainable by acting in two different fronts. One initiative was the donation of over 89,000 plates (packaging) and 1,000 waste collectors, both produced by the Company using corrugated board. The other initiative was the donation of 53,000 pots for sauces and 45,000 cornstarch cutlery, acquired through a Klabin’s partner.  


The Company was also responsible for the Sustainability Kids Forum, which focuses on informing children for a change in attitude and behavior, discussing waste disposal, recycling and the problem of ocean garbage. The forum was held in the last two days of Marejada 2022, reaching around 1,200 children from public and private schools. 
 “Klabin is historically committed to sustainability and, for us, it is very important to help Marejada, our region’s most traditional feast, become even more environment-friendly. Using items made of paper, a renewable raw material, significantly improves the event’s ecological footprint, in addition to affecting positively the waste generation, since the material is 100% recyclable,” explains Pedro Paulo Luz, Klabin’s industrial manager in Itajaí. 
With operations in Santa Catarina since 1969, Klabin has three industrial units in the state, in the municipalities of Lages, Correia Pinto and Itajaí, as well as the Alto Vale do Itajaí Forestry Unit. The company’s forest area is spread across 39 municipalities, sheltering more than 5,000 rivers and over 9,000 watersheds protected by the company, which ensures the water supply in the region. Also note that all Klabin products are made of planted and certified forests, cultivated through mosaic forest stewardship, a technique that intersperses pine and eucalyptus planting from different ages, with native forests, helping to preserve biodiversity. 

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#Marejada2022 #Sustentabilidade #LixoNosOceanos