

Klabin publishes Public Summary 2002 of Forestry Management Plan in Angatuba (SP)

The document compiles the Company’s ongoing initiatives to support sustainable and adequate development for conserving the region’s flora and fauna


São Paulo, October 26, 2022 — Recognized globally for its sustainable initiatives, Klabin has made available for consultation the Public Summary 2022 of the Forestry Management Plan of the Angatuba Unit, in São Paulo. The document presents the Company’s results and efforts in the execution of its activities considering its stewardship, conservation and socio-environmental policies, including technical and economic indicators, and highlights its monitoring of the region’s fauna and flora to protect local biodiversity. 


The Angatuba Unit is part of Klabin’s Forestry business, which provides the raw material used for paper production and wood sales. The area has approximately 4,800 hectares of planted forests and 3,700 hectares of conserved forests, duly certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® – FSC®, that extend across the municipalities of Angatuba, Itapeva, São Miguel Arcanjo, Tapiraí, Buri, Guareí, Itapetininga, Paranapanema and Sarapuí. 


The Company’s initiatives in the region, like in its other forest areas, are guided by its concern with environmental preservation, including, for example, mosaic forest management, which involves interspersing pine and eucalyptus stands with native forest areas. Klabin is a pioneer in the technique that has become its trademark, which improves the productive potential of forests, helps to protect natural resources and conserves biodiversity by creating ecological corridors that facilitate movement of wildlife. 


The document also provides information on the monitoring of fauna and flora conducted by Klabin in the region. The initiative has identified at the unit’s farms 409 native plant species, 13 of which are endangered, and 410 wildlife species, 16 of which are listed as endangered. 


The document also compiles Klabin’s initiatives with the communities near its operation to support their social, economic and environmental development. The results of this initiative include the Forest Development Program, which encourages small farmers to plant forests on their properties. Klabin also maintains an open channel for dialogue with the public via telephone (0800 728 0607 or 15-3255-9000), email, meetings, forums and sector committees to hear suggestions and expand the positive impact of its operations. 


The Public Summary 2022 of the Forestry Management Plan is available on the Company’s website (https://klabin.com.br/sustentabilidade/estrategia/resumo-publico). 


#ResumoPublicoSP #ManejoFlorestal #CertificadoFSC