
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin and ViraSer hold training program for environmental managers in seven Paraná towns

Municipal Governments in the Caminhos do Tibagi Consortium signed a technical cooperation agreement to comply with the National Solid Waste Policy

Paraná, September 29, 2022 –
Klabin, ViraSer and the Caminhos do Tibagi Consortium held a workshop on September 28 in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná, to train public environmental managers on complying with the National Solid Waste Policy. Representatives from the Environment departments of the towns that are members of the consortium covered by Klabin’s Solid Waste Program (Telêmaco Borba, Imbaú, Reserva, Ortigueira, Tibagi, Rio Branco do Ivaí and Sapopema), the State Prosecution Office and the Water and Earth Institute (IAT) of the State of Paraná, were present.

Participants signed a technical cooperation agreement that established short-, medium- and long-term commitments, goals and timeframes for each town to adopt the best waste sorting and recycling practices.  They also exchanged experiences and best practices in the training and management of waste collectors’ cooperatives, circularity, treatment of large generators and reverse logistics. Through the Solid Waste Program, Klabin offers specialized consulting to help the towns in the consortium comply with the National Policy through technically skilled managers, as well as employment and income generation, and by increasing the volume of recyclable materials and the society’s awareness on environmental education.

“Solid waste management is an extremely important issue and is a priority for Klabin. As such, training the environmental leaders and defining the commitments and goals for each town will result in greater quality and more effective circularity initiatives at the towns, while complying with the National Solid Waste Policy”, says Julio Nogueira, Environment and Sustainability Manager at Klabin.

“The urgent need is for tools that increase the management and production capacity of recycling cooperatives so that they can obtain lasting and permanent increase in production and income,” highlighted Juliana Navea, representative from ViraSer.

“The meeting with public managers will bring better results to the towns in the Consortium and higher returns from the production cycle so that we increasingly prevent the discharge of waste in landfills. It is good for the environment and for the health of the community”, states Claudiomir Schneider, executive secretary of the Caminhos do Tibagi Consortium.

The Prosecutor of Telêmaco Borba, Mariana Bollotti, explained the important role played by the Prosecution Office not only as an inspection authority but also a collaborator of the towns in complying with the National Solid Waste Policy. She also pointed out that with Klabin’s support and technical consulting services, the towns in the region are all set to serve as examples for the country in this regard.

 The National Solid Waste Policy is a federal law that establishes instruments and guidelines for the public sector and companies to take responsibility for the waste generated and demanding transparency in waste management. Therefore, it is very important to train environmental managers and offer truly effective solid waste management tools. 

About Klabin’s Solid Waste Program

Launched in 2012, the program is engaged in diagnosing the solid waste generated in each town and supplies structures such as sheds and equipment for selective collection to enable the correct segregation of recyclable materials in each region, besides training waste collectors and forming associations or cooperatives to organize their work. Since 2021, the Program has had the technical advisory of ViraSer, which manages Reverse Logistics and is engaged in professionalizing associations and cooperatives. The issue of solid waste is also present in “Klabin’s Sustainable Development Goals (KODS),” a strategic agenda aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which lists the Company's ESG goals. One of these is the maximum optimization of resources in which residues generate value when re-included in the production systems by 2030.

#ProgramaViraSer #KODS #PoliticaNacionaldeResiduosSolidos