
Desenvolvimento local e Projetos Sociais

Klabin participates in campaign to raise awareness among the population on prevention of forest fires

In addition to investments of over R$5 million to avoid and control fire outbreaks, the company participates in the industry’s campaign to reinforce safe habits with the communities


Paraná, September 28, 2022 – Attentive to ways of promoting the sustainable development and safety of the communities where it operates, Klabin, in addition to investing resources in actions to prevent and combat forest fires in its operation, believes that it is extremely important to raise awareness among communities about how to avoid outbreaks that may cause risks, when there is low humidity and, consequently, dry vegetation.

The company warns about the danger of throwing cigarette butts or matches on the ground, lighting bonfires or manipulating other sources of heat, such as candles or incense next to vegetation.  Another concern are balloon release and waste burning to clean properties. Furthermore, in the event of a fire, Klabin reinforces that no one should ever try to combat a fire by themselves, as doing it without the proper training can put a person in danger. The instruction is to look for a safe place, warn neighbors and dial 193 to call the Fire Department. 

Due to the company’s concern about forest fires and their environmental and social consequences, it has joined the 2022 Campaign to Prevent and Combat Forest Fires. With the slogan “A Safe Forest Depends on All of Us,” the goal is to alert the population to the correct use of fire (considering certain cultures) and the causes and dangers of forest fires. Launched in July in IDR-Paraná (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Rural do Paraná Iapar-Emater), the initiative was designed and developed by the Paraná Association of Forestry Companies (APRE) and, in addition to Klabin, has the participation of several bodies and institutions from the State of Paraná.

In addition to the awareness initiatives, the company invested more than R$5 million in actions that include the chartering of a helicopter to rapidly reach and monitor fire outbreaks and  transport and dump water on the fire. Klabin also has seven fire trucks in cities with focal points of service, 15 tank trucks distributed among the company’s operational regions, four multidisciplinary teams available every day to combat fires, more than 650 employees of the Forestry area trained to act in these outbreaks and 18 cameras to monitor fires, capable of viewing 65 times more than the common cameras, also with night vision.

“As a forestry company driven by sustainable development in its businesses, Klabin is always looking for solutions that help combat and prevent forest fires. Therefore, the company believes it is extremely important to continuously support educational initiatives for the community, such as this awareness campaign, and to seek new fire prevention technologies for its operations,” said Luís Saldanha, manager of Silviculture at Klabin.


#CombateIncendiosFlorestais #Conscientização #APRE