
Feiras e eventos

In an exclusive action for INOVA Klabin, Bel Coelho prepares menu with native products identified in forests preserved by Klabin

During an event to be held on September 21 in São Paulo, visitors can taste exclusive recipes and participate in a sensorial experience that highlights the attributes of inputs found in the forest 


Using ingredients identified during a visit to a native forest, the exclusive menu was prepared by Bel Coelho for INOVA Klabin


São Paulo, September 20, 2022 - Imagine the unique experience of walking into a native forest and discovering the rich biodiversity it holds. And what if this rich biodiversity could be transformed into exclusive recipes whose ingredients include diverse inputs found there? Chef Bel Coelho went through this experience and the result can be seen by the participants of INOVA Klabin, which will be held on September 21 at the Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo. The event is organized by Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging. 

At the Company’s invitation, the renowned chef, who is dedicated to valuing local producer communities, as well as their knowledge, customs and traditions, and to strengthening the production chains of agroecological farmers, native peoples, quilombolas and family farmers, accepted the challenge of traveling to Paraná to explore the native forests preserved by the Company and its efforts to preserve biodiversity in the region.  

Upon entering the preserved forest, she identified a wide variety of inputs, which underline the presence of abundant life in the region. The ingredients selected include species such as the edible sow thistle, Jataí bee honey, Jaracatiá (a papaya tree native to the Atlantic Forest), uvarana (an edible species with texture similar to that of palm hearts) and the Brazilian clove, which were used to create an exclusive menu for the event.  

Visitors will also undergo a sensorial experience offered by the chef, reinforcing messages such as the importance of preserving forests, guided by their numerous possibilities, and circularity. They will learn more about the fruits and other elements from the biomes, their use, origin and significance in Brazilian gastronomy.

According to Bel Coelho, the tasting menu and sensorial experience will reinforce among guests important messages about valuing Brazilian biodiversity and responsible production chains. “Using gastronomy as a tool to help preserve biodiversity in Brazil can be very powerful,” she says.


Edible sow thistle, Jataí bee honey and uvarana are among the species identified by chef Bel Coelho during her visit to the native forest preserved by Klabin


About INOVA Klabin

The fifth edition of INOVA Klabin will be held on September 21 at Pavilhão da Bienal in the Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo, for Klabin employees, clients, partners and suppliers. With the motto “Innovation with Purpose”, the event packs nine hours of exclusive activities created by the Company to connect innovation and the pursuit of solutions to issues that are broadly discussed around the planet. Apart from the experience provided by chef Bel Coelho, the agenda includes a speech by John Elkington, considered the “godfather of sustainability”, and an interactive action with artist Edson Pavoni, among others. Access to the event will be exclusive to the Company’s guests.

About Bel Coelho

A native of Sao Paulo, Bel Coelho comes from a family of food connoisseurs, of Portuguese and Italian descent. In a career spanning 20 years, she has worked with renowned chefs and famous restaurants, and currently runs her restaurant “Clandestino” in São Paulo. She started her career as an intern with Laurent Suaudeau at the Fasano restaurant. She graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in New York and, during the course, worked as an intern at the Payard restaurant. After returning to Brazil, she worked with Alex Atala at D.O.M. She gained fame in 2003 as chef at the Madeleine restaurant. The next year, she became the lead chef at Sabuji and received the Revelation Chef Award from the Veja São Paulo magazine, being featured in its Comer e Beber guide. 


#InovaKlabin #Experienciasensorial #Gastronomia