
Feiras e eventos

5th INOVA Klabin offers exclusive immersive experiences that connect innovation and sustainability

With the motto “Innovation with purpose”, the event will be held on September 21 at the Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo for the Company’s guests, in which John Elkington, Bel Coelho and Edson Pavoni will participate.


São Paulo, September 19, 2022 – Klabin, Brazil’s largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, is organizing the 5th edition of INOVA Klabin on September 21 at the Pavilhão da Bienal in Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo. The event packs nine hours of exclusive activities created by the Company to connect innovation and the pursuit of solutions to issues related to the future of the planet. The agenda highlights include a lecture by John Elkington, a renowned expert in sustainability and global authority on corporate responsibility and sustainable development.  

Underscoring the Company’s vocation and pioneering efforts in sustainability, INOVA Klabin will include activities aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which explain - through experiences - the potential generated by putting innovation at the service of sustainable evolution. “Klabin is a company that has innovation in its strategy and has been collaborating over its centennial history towards important advances in fronts such as sustainability. INOVA Klabin enables us to share experiences with diverse stakeholder groups, encouraging discussions and an integrated and an increasingly careful vision of these very significant topics”, said Francisco Razzolini, director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects at Klabin.

The event will start with a lecture by John Elkington, who is coming to Brazil solely to participate in the opening of INOVA Klabin. Considered a global reference on corporate responsibility and sustainable capitalism, Elkington will address topics such as evolution of sustainability and the importance of the theme at companies, while presenting success stories around the world. 


Five environments to explore

For INOVA Klabin, the Pavilhão da Bienal will be divided into environments where visitors can participate in journeys related to five pillars: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Circularity, Klabin Initiatives and New Business.

In Biodiversity, the initiative “Museum of Trees” will be held in partnership with SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation to raise awareness and engage the public based on a projection of the future, when the species and biomes found in the Ibirapuera Park and the Atlantic Forest would have been extinct or seriously endangered. The goal is to end the experience with a call to the people on the importance of environmental preservation, stressing the efforts made by Klabin and the NGO on the subject.

In Climate Change, the artist and technologist Edson Pavoni will conduct an art intervention called “Shy Treetops,” in which a work of art made of Eukaliner®, a kraftliner produced exclusively from eucalyptus fiber and patented by Klabin, will be shaped by many hands of the public, reproducing in São Paulo the vertical vision of forests preserved by Klabin in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná, and their real movements using algorithms.

In Circularity, the action will be conducted by chef Bel Coelho, who has also planned the buffet at INOVA Klabin. During the event, she will guide the participants through a sensorial experience based on valuing the Brazilian biomes, especially the Atlantic Forest, and their impacts on culture, economy, sustainability and waste.

Another space will feature Klabin Cases which, through a gamified experience, showcase the Company’s initiatives in the Forest, Pulp, Paper and Packaging areas. The idea is to invite visitors to co-create with Klabin, reinforcing the message of cooperation.

Finally, the New Business area will focus on sharing practical cases that will show Klabin’s initiatives in fronts beyond the Company’s direct businesses, reinforcing its pioneering spirit and the potential of its forests. Visitors will also explore and try out a few products developed for diverse segments such as cosmetics.


Outstanding suppliers in 2021 will be recognized at INOVA Klabin

At the end of the event, the “1st Klabin Suppliers of the Year Award” will be given away. The award is an initiative launched by the Company to recognize outstanding partners on diverse fronts mapped by the company in order to encourage continuous improvement across the chain.
In addition to the five main categories (Raw Materials, Forests, Industry, Logistics and Corporate Services), the company will also honor suppliers that stood out in Sustainability and Innovation. 
The partners were evaluated through a phased-out process defined by the Company, which is described in the award rules available at Klabin’s official website.


Arbor Day and Heliópolis Symphony Orchestra

Heliópolis Symphony Orchestra will perform for the guests at the closure of INOVA Klabin. The orchestra, maintained by the Baccarelli Institute and sponsored by Klabin, is one of the stars of the campaign that will be launched by the Company to celebrate Arbor Day. 

Event aligned with environmental best practices

INOVA Klabin was organized based on best practices to create the least possible impact on the environment. Accordingly, the company will conduct a study to calculate the emissions from the event, which will be offset by planting six trees for each ton of CO2eq., in an area where the company has operations and to be defined jointly with SOS Mata Atlântica.

INOVA Klabin also has the premise of becoming zero waste, for which it will implement processes such as composting of organic material generated during the event, and sending other waste to communities and partner organizations for recycling and reuse, all in alignment with the concept of circularity.

Participation in INOVA Klabin will be exclusively for the Company's guests, including its employees, clients, partners and suppliers.


#InovaKlabin #DiadaArvore #John Elkington